Chapter 11

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It has been 2 weeks since we are dating. Now I am in London, finishing my work. I took a part in phtografing the models for Vogue's november issue. I too a part in making the idea and designing it.
The photo shoot was so intresting, though I didn't want it to end. The week flew by so fast when you're so busy. I miss Joel sooo badly much. I already want to see and have in my arms. We text to each other very often, but it's not enough to cover the lack of him.
  Tomorrow I am leaving London.
I want to take 3 days vacation to go to CNCO'S tour. I really want to see him, no matter for how much time. I only want to see him and that's all. I am so happy being his girlfriend. He's an amazing guy. Actually I've never met such kind of guy before. I know, I've already said that, but I still can't imagine that kind of people like him really exist.

Joel's P.O.V

Now I am on tour for supporting our brand new album " CNCO".
Despite of all the busyness I don't forget about her. I always care of her and miss her so much. Even if our tour just started, I want it to end so badly. I want to spend my time with Leyla. We haven't met each other since I told her that love her. Maybe if she has some free time, I will invite her here to see her. I don't know...

Leyla's P.O.V

İ was packing all of my things, because I have to leave London tomorrow. I'm waiting for results and maybe recieve them in two days. I don't know exactly. But as I am free for now, I can go and visit Joel! Should I tell him that? No, maybe I can make a surprise for him. I can surprise him even  tomorrow.  Of course i must return home, but insted of that i can go and visit him and àlso the rest of the boys. I know that my parents will be angry, but I want to risk a little bit. I even didn't tell them about our relationship. Maybe I'll tell them a few months after. I So I packed my things and went to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day!

The next day:

My plane leaves at 10 o' clock a.m , so I got up really early, got ready, quickly ate my brekfast and left the room. The consierge helped me to put my luggage. Afterwards we finally moved from the hotel. While we were going by car, i miserably looked at the crowded  streets of London for the last time.
Because I neither could see nor visit any places here. I always dreamed of being here. This week was too hard for me. I worked from the morning till the night, not giving myself even a little rest.
London's black clouds were angrily covering the nice sky, not letting him show the kindness and positive to the usually srict and cold people, living here. Thought the weather made the people adopt to it. I love London's weather, even if I hate cold and foggy weather. London's weather is special. I'll come here very soon, I hope.
So I've arrived to the airport in 2 hours. I should have gone to NY, but insted went to LA. Joel and the rest of the boys are there.
I know, I will make my parents angry and nervous again, but I want to see Joel soooo badly. I don't know what happen with me that time. My love for him drove me crazy, perhaps. When I was younger, I didn't believe that love can make everyone crazy, but no I understand this all. Love can make everything to you. It can give you passion, angryness, sadness, it can ruin your nerves. And it can do the worst thing... kill you alive.
I water for the plane an hour, all shaking. I was very exited. Is it real that I will meet Joel in several hours?!  But I wasn't supposed to do that. Maybe I am not doing right. What will I do next. I must know in which hotel they live right now. I can text Joel.

" Hi, Joe! How r ya? "

He answered after several minutes

" Buenos dias, mi hermosa? Esta bien, gracias!  Como estas tú? "

" Esta bien, muchisimus gracioso;)
What are ya doin? I see that your tour has not started yet. "

" Yes, it will start in a couple minutes. And it lasts two hours "

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