Chapter 16

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                  " Only the true love can consist disappointing moments and sometimes we must outlive them peacefully. "


I've never felt myself so ashamed. Like someone punched me hundred times and threw hard on the floor. I was staring at my, plate, while everyone stared at me. I felt that I was becoming as Ruby as a beet. It felt like if someone tryes to talk to me, I will hardly cry. But I kept myself, despite of how hard it was. Joel stood up and left the room quickly without saying anything. I wanted to follow him, but he had already dissapeared. Then I heard someone behind:
" Spoiled girl! How dare you?! Haven't someone taught you, that it's impolite to ruin the relationships! And how after all this you could courage you?? How?! "

The angriness was boiling inside of me. I couldn't handle so many bad things coming on my direction. It was the edge of keeping my, emotions inside. So I've finally given up and the words immediately run from my mouth.

" And how dare you blame, me, not knowing the truth in 100 percents.
If someone says some mean stuff about, you will believe in that??!!!!
I mustn't judge someone by the opinion of others. It's stupid. Go and focus on your personal life and then on others! "

I quickly grabbed my purse and left the restaurant. I didn't care anymore what they we're going to talk about me. I wanted to run from this terrible place as soon as possible. Once I was almost at the door, I had heard some arguing voices. Coming to tat direction, I saw Joel and Oriana arguing.

" I've told you million tines and telling now again: we are OVER!!!
And everything has ended in our life. So we must go with our ways.
We mustn't intrude to each other's personal life. And never say some stupid things to or about Leyla! Did you understand me?? Just let go of her and also of, me! So we are not together anymore. I don't want to talk and even see you anymore! I hope, this is the last time! "

Then he looks in my direction and finally remember about my existence.

" Let's get out of here! "

She saw me too and clenched her teeth in abhorrence.

" OK, so if I would tell, that you were spotted leaving the night club with an unknown "pretty girl". And also you both we're holding each other's hands. You both had very cheerful faces. It certainly means that you both had an ideal night. Don't you? "

I was speacless. I wasn't able to say why hing. How could he? But what if Oriana was lying? Maybe I mustn't rush and believe in her every single word. And then I said:

" So if it had happened, why it didn't appear in news? "

Oriana giggled.

" Ohh, just because he had paid a bunch of money to all the journalists and magazine companies to not publish it. Am I right, Joel? "

I looked at Joel. His usual tanned face became as pale as paper. He had lowered his head down. So I started to believe in Oriana. But of course didn't want. My last dying hope made me ask him what was asked before.

" Is it truth, Joel? "

There was annoying silence, which made my dying hope completely disappear. My heart was slowly torning into pieces. How could he?

" JOEL, IS IT TRUTH???!!!" - this time I yelled out. And the tears started to fall on my cheeks, despite of how hard I've tried to stop them.

" Of course it's truth! You still don't want to believe in me? " - cunningly smirked Oriana.

I was lost in different thoughts. Some of them still we're telling me to not believe in Oriana. Because I know Joel as an humble, polite and innocent. He wouldnt do such kind of things. But some of them wee telling me, that the fame has, already spoiled him. His young life as celebrity changed his lifestyle either. Nightclubs, money, drugs, cheatings every night. Those thoughts made me feel sick. It made my heart break again. Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my heart. It was recovering somehow, but it hurt again. And also my head started aching. I felt like I could handle all this. And I run away from the room, quickly glancing at Joel. I didn't want, but heard his yell. I wish he wouldn't follow, me.
" Leyla, Stop! We need to talk! "

I didn't say anything. I wasn't even able. Everything I wanted that moment was to be at home alone. I wanted neither see nor talk to anyone. I felt a lump in my throat. I run from the restaurant and saw the line of taxi. I looked back and saw Joel. He was already behind the door with his searching eyes. Seeing him made me rush wuikcly to the car. I was running with the tears in my eyes. My great heartache was killing me. Once I was so near to the car, I felt someones strong hand pulling mine. I knew that it was Joel. But I didn't look back. I was trying to run from him, but it was very difficult. He was too strong and I was too weak. But then a strange idea came to my mind. I pinched him very painfully. He groaned and let me go. I run to the car and almost was going to sit, but everything suddenly blurred in my eyes and I couldn't see the car anymore. I've lost my equilibrium and fell down without any sence.
I don't remember what had happened after...


she was running crazily fast. I wanted to catch her, but it was way too hard since I am not that good in running. But anyway I had decided to run faster. Once I already cought her, she had pinched me so painly that I screamed. It was so painful. It wasn't looking in Leyla's style to do such agressive things. I don't know what had happened to her that moment. I let her go and after some some seconds she was already sitting on a taxi. I sighed frustratedly, but suddenly...
...she fell. She just fell in the place where she was standing. I immediately run to her, completely forgetting about my, pain. I run to her lifeless body. The taxi driver who was terrified not less than me, jumped to help me to. I ordered him to call the ambulance,while i was cheking her pulse. I did it. Leyla was breathing, but unfortunately very hard. Seemed like she was going to lose it. Her face was very pale,so i coupd see the purple veins reflecting in her body. I was frightened seeing all this. This was all my fault. If Oriana hadn't been here, it wouldn't happen.
Fortunately the emergency came right after 6-7 minutes. They immediately turned on the engine and put it on her nude chest. It turned on and the electricity made her body lift up. It must've awaken her. But it didn't. Then they quickly put her in the car with the help of carriage. They asked who I am, when sat in the car. They let me in after I answered that I am her boyfriend. I held Leyla's hand tightly. They we're deadly cold. I was trying to warm them up to give at least a little life to them. Everyone in the car was panicked, because they couldn't awake her. Thy chekded up her heartbeat and it was getting less active every minute. It meant,that we were losing her every losing her every, minute. When we finally had reached the hospital, her heartbeat had completely frozened. They led her in a bed with wheels to the hospital and went to reanimation room. I wanted to follow them, but hey didn't let me to go in, because I would ostensibly disturb them.
I was waiting for her. Was watching every single moment. And that short minutes seemed like the great hours to me. I was walking to the different sides of the room. I wasn't seeing or hearing someone. Everything was frozen to me. What if her hear will stop? What will happen to my girl? Would she die because of our little dump argue with Oriana? Oh, God! But why??? I didn't imagine our date to be like this! Why Oriana has done a big scandal of nothing?? Why couldn't we calmly go to the restaurant and enjoy our conversation without any intrudings??
My head was cracking of all these misunderstandable questions. I was so sorry for making Leyla suffer of all this pain that she was getting trough. The thoughts of loosing her we're making me go crazy. I didn't believe in everything that was happening that moment. I don't want her to leave me. What would I do? These thoughts made me love her more, despite of how strange it sounds. I really love Leyla unconditionally.
Finally I sat down. I was breathing very often. Seemed like my, her at would run from my body. I felt he heavy tears in my eyes, that haven't felt for such long time. I remember, that the last time was after my grandfather's death. That was the great loss. I even haven't showed him the achievements that I had gained that moment. I am still so upset that he wasn't alive that moment.
Remembering all this, I saw the doctor came towards me. I immediately got up. I was shaking in fear. I wanted to read the results of doctor's face, but it was too hard since his face was without any sence. His annoying calm face made me loudly ask him:

" How is Leyla? Is she good? Can I see her? "

I sighed and looked at his notebook then again at me and finally opened his mouth...

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