Chaper 25

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From all these words I got so confused. I didn't know how to react in such kind of situation. I didn't know how to feel anymore.
Everything had messed up in my mind these past months.
So I took a long pause and answered " thank you ", at least for informing me. Then I understood what to do. I rushed to Joel's room. As I opened the door, he still was lying still on his bed. Seeing me so nervous made Jim a little anxious.

" What's wrong? "

" Why did you keep it? " - I didn't want to slow things down.

" What do you mean? "

" I mean the attack or the prepared murder, Joel. Why didn't you tell me that in time? "

" So what you will do them? "

" I will make his stupid ass go to the jail!! "

" So? "

" What do you mean by so, Joel?! You take this situation so insidious, thought it's oppositely a very dangerous case. You or me coulve die. Do you understand this? How can you stare at as if nothing had happened? "

" I have already told you. I have learned to live this life normally in peace. I am tired of fighting. And you will be too. Because this life is not that perfect how we imagine it. We can't build it how we want. It's already built for us. And we just must lead it till the end. Like a book. We can change ourselves, but cant change the whole world. When i have just started to live this " celebrity " life, i thought, that fighting with people and teaching them some lessons will make them calm,at least,a little down. But know. They were like ignoring me. I was fighting till I realised, that I went so far. I would spend hours to write big letters on twitter, teaching humans to be humans, but then understood that's useless, if everybody's character has formalized. There not children. They're adults, who have their own opinion and character. And it's hard, usually inpossible to change adult's character, if they don't agree to change it themselves. "

I was just standing at the door. His Lon lesson made me think. Maybe he's right? Maybe, if all my life I spend just fighting, I will get some sickness, but nobody will change in better way in conclusion?
After ending his speech, Joel looked at me. He was waiting for my reaction.

" Maybe you're right. Nothing will change. But, Joel. There's still some angriness inside of me. How can a normal person do such thing to me. "

Joel smiled.

" Don't worry. I will fix this problem. "

" How? "

" I can tell it to my, manager to contact with their management. Normally, we must pay them, but this time we will make a bet on not paying to them. The reason is the risk of the rest of their company to be sent to the jail. If you really don't want to live the life like this."

" It's too dangerous, Joel,  - I said with tears in eyes, - I don't know how you lived like this before. You're always in risk. If I were you, I wouldn't live long me this. Or just couldn't. Or just all my life would stay at home."

" And will wait for my prepared death? No, I am an adherent of living my life in maximum. "

I just signed and held his hand. He's such a strong and patient person, thought it's not looking like that from the first impression. He had taught me a lot in this life. He had prepared me to the new life, that i have never lived.

The next day Joel was completely alright and finally returned into his normal look. I was missing that look so much.
We didn't say it to our parents. And, frankly, because of the agiotage of a bloody meeting in New Jersey made the reporters forget about us. So we were not published. After this time, Joel's bands Bodyguard would be with us, wherever we are. So then I felt  much more better and safe.
As we planned we went to Capadocia. Trough the check outs, my heart still was crazily pounding. I still had fear of getting attacked. But, fortunately, nothing had happened. We safely arrived in Capadocia.
Capadocia- is an old ancient city in Turkey. It has a huge history. Its architecture is so volorite, old and amazing. There's dome Bohemian style in it, thought it had inspered me to make my summer boho collection.
And, of course, the main entertainments of this old city are parachutes. I am not afraid of getting up on them, but sfrad to fall from them. Because it's so risky and not everyone would agree to do it. Firstly I thought exactly this, but then realised Joel's words:

" I am an adherent of living my life in maximum. "

And not thinking of anything else, I got to the parachute and we flew up to the sky. We were so far away from the earth and everything seemed so calm and rested. Like the time was stopped. I was breathing the pure clean air and was enjoying the time. I didn't know why I took so much pleasure from just the deadly silence, until realised, that I needed some relax, because the past months of my life were so stressful and unpredictable. But this kind of relax had helped me so much to get recovered from the long depression, I got through.
All the city was in our hands from thousand miles above. Everything seemed so teensy like in fairytails. The pink sky, that was preparing to the down, amazed me by its unbelievable beauty.
Later we had to jump from it. My whole body was trembling. The worker who was sent with us, asked me, whom I want to jump with. I immediately answered:

'' Of course, if I die, I want to die with the person who I know and love. Not with a stranger. "

He was pissed of, but didn't show much of it. He just smiled and said a fake laughing of course and started to put a belt and other things, that I had no idea about.
On this process, I was shaking, because I was both anxious and nervous. Joel ,maybe,noticed it and held my hand.

" Don't worry. At least we will die together. "

He said it with a serious face, which made me laugh more.
Wise said.
So when we were finally ready, I already closed my eyes. The tears were falling down my cheeks. I was extremely afraid of falling from so high.

" Are you ready? "

I wasn't able to say anything, so Joel shouted a quick " yes".

" I am counting. 3...2...1..."

My heart speeds every second. I was shaking more. The cold sweat seized me.
As I closed my eyes, I felt, that my legs were no longer standing on the floor. My body was thrown like trash on the air. I screamed on the top of my lungs, until I felt a sudden stop, then a slowly falling, which wasn't that creepy.
But I was still closing my eyes.I am so afraid of highs.
I could hear Joel's screaming like  "WHOOOOO!!!!" or " Damn!!! "
He was definitely enjoying.
After our feet touched the groung, I layed on it. I couldn't move. I just was breathing hardly and looked at the light blue sky, in which we were flying a minute ago.
What a holy feeling was being in your motherland again. It's do good when your feet touch the ground and you can smell the grass air.
My parachute experience wasn't full of pleasure, but we must do something like, at least, just once in life. You can feel different feeling, that you have not tasted before, maybe. Is it the result of the strong adrenaline? Maybe.

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