Chapter 9

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All entire month I was working like a robot. I had no time even for a little rest. Every time in "Vogue" I wanted to learn something new. I wanted to learn quickly everething, but it was impossible. So little by little I learned how to take high- qualified pictures and also choose the best one out of 200 or  even 300 pictures. It takes unconditional amount of time and energy, but it was worth that. From first vision all the photos are looking so alike. But they've taught me how to see the difference between every picture. Then they've taught me how to write and create intresting articles for each topic. They gave me almost all of their old works. So I had to read all of them. Then i also designed my own magazine articles. Theyve taken a look at them all and gave me many advices. In that moments I was trying to listen very carefully, like not missing even a single word. I did what I was asked. Even if it made me be sleepy so much, I enjoyed my job. I thought next month they would tell me everything about my new job. So apparently my hard month is going to end and seems like all of my hard work is behind of me, but Oppositely it was just a finish of a new start. Ive couldn't think about anything else, but my future job. I wanted it really bad. I won't forgive myself if they refuse me this job. Nobody can take it from me!
And also the last month I tried my best to forget about Joel. Of course, not completely,but much enough him to disturb me from working. I remembered about our upcoming appointment. And for this time maybe last. I don't even know why, but I don't want our dates to end. Even if he's going on a tour in two weeks. It's so sad that I won't see him anymore. I couldn't take an opportunity of his long vacation, because I actually had no time for rest even for going out. That month I was in a great stress. I never believed in myself. But that time my kind mom gave me motivation and good vibes to get on my feet and go further. I don't know what would I do without her. No one else give so much strength as my mom. She's my hero. But now I am feeling myself more rested and happy, because, at first my work as an inter is ending, also I've resived much praise from manager. He told me, that I am very focused and hard working, even too for a such immature person like me. It's sometimes hurt when everybody say that we, minors, can't do anything, but just scrolling through Instagram. It's not true. They're so many talanted and purposeful teenagers ,that can make many achievements, in spite of their " hard and stressful times". But because of all criticism to us, we just give everything up, forgetting about all our skills and future purposes. I heard that criticisies too, but I dint give up. I think if we really want something,  nothing should stop us from doing it. And I really want  all the teens to not be afraid of showing their skills and abilities.

Joel's P.O.V
My vacation is going a little bit boring, since Leyla is too busy to hang out with me. Of course I have my friends Yoandri and Johann, and we sometimes hang out together, but now I want something different. I should make new  friends and be in interesting companies. I found in Leyla a very said and attractive person from the first impression, even if she's a bit shy and talks less. I wanted to meet with her more often, but our shedule doesn't match, so we don't have that opportunity, unfortunately. When I am with her I feel myself more confident and free. Even if we don't know each other that well,  we can talk freely about different things, topics. And also we have different interests, but it doesn't disturb us to find our common intersts. Also I admire her because of her responsibility,  hard work, politeness and warmness. She's like always ready to give you advice In your problematic situations. Like a true friend. I love the fact, that she has purposes in her life to which she seeks. She doesn't distract on other things while she's seeking to her dreams. Dhe achived avrething herself. She didnt need somebodys help. Also she's intelligent. Despite of her busy designer job, she doesn't forget about her education. It's strange, but she inspired my volition to finish my education. I really was looking for a girl like this. Of course, in show business we must date only famous and we'll known girls. But I'd still to meet ordinar people. Because all of the famous girls are fake and self loving, selfish. The don't care about anyone else. I couldn't keep relationship with them. Even from first conversation, I always recognized, that the girl isn't in that kind, which I want. But Leyla caught my attention from our first meeting in her fashion show. Her nervous smile, shy behaviour, hospitality, shaking body, little brown eyes, that were running trought us. I miss her really bad. I don't know what it means. Maybe I have some feelings to her. I don't want to say it right now. Maybe it's too early? Maybe she is not ready yet for relationships? Maybe she will refuse me? But I already want to say her about my feelings. I need someone's advise. Maybe my mom will advice me? Or maybe I will ask the boys? Maybe Erick? He's quit good at this?:)
I didnt want to rush things with mum,So I texted Erick:

" What's up, bro. How r ya doin? "

" Hola, Joe! Esta bien, como estas tu? "

" Estas bien. Erick, I have something to tell you. Are you busy right now? "

" No, dime. Que paso? "

" Do you remember that girl from fashion show, Leyla? So we've met already 2 times. I strted to have some feeling to her. Can you tell me will it be right if I tell her about my feelings in our next date? "

" Oh, so you've aready fallen in love from 3 meetings?! ;) You have really grown up,bro! So have chatted with each other? "

" Yes, we have."

" I think, maybe you don't have to risk that early. Maybe you can date this time more romantical. Try to make your upcoming meeting a little bit unforgettable. And then call her to a formal date. And then you can tell her everething. "

" OK,  so then I dint have to rush with my feelings until I make sure she has some feelings to me too. "

" exactly. "

" OK, bro. Thank you so much."

" You're welcome. Appeal more;) "

Thanks, God, I have a friend like Erick, who is the best at such kind of things. Also he will never tell anyone my secret. He's good at keeping them.
So I've decided after the dinner, to take her somewhere romantic, to walk with her, to talk more. I must impress her. I gotta think more where can I take her?

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