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EDIT TO NEW READERS: Don't read this! The early chapters aren't even that consistent and it's long and boring. Idk what I was thinking back in 2018 but here we are

• If you like stories that slowly develop into a relationship over time and has an actual plot than this is the fanfic for you.
◦ This is more adventure than romance must I put it...
• This story will get a bit angsty later on so I suggest those of you to read with caution.
• This may also foil the plot a little bit but this takes place in Chapter 3 if Henry dies after Boris gets kidnapped by Alice Angel. This is just a made up non-cannon plot so anything that happens in the upcoming chapters 4 and 5 in the game WILL NOT be cannon in my story and will only go by some of the theories that the fandom had already came up with.
• This is my very first story on Wattpad so I might be a little rusty but don't worry, I'll catch onto it from time to time!
◦ Please don't be afraid to point out any grammar and punctuation errors that I've somehow missed through proof reading, so long as you're polite about it. That'd be excellent thank you.
◦ Dialogue punctuation alignment I already know about and may be a little incorrect but that's only a minor insight I could honestly care less about... for now.
◦ The earlier chapters (ESPECIALLY THE FIRST ONE) are probably not that good and might have tiny plot holes but once I make this book complete, I will do a huge edit for all the chapters throughout the book.
◦ On the side note, I do actually improve throughout the story.

I'm terribly sorry for those who actually enjoyed this story or wanted to read it. I just can't bring myself to write no more. I used to be a major BATIM fan and a Bendy simp but those days are over. Ever since I lost my best friend from health complications back in late 2019 who got me into writing this in the first place, the already lack of motivation, and just looking back at it... I just can't no more. The odds of it getting a remake are nil too. I apologize and I hope you all understand.
ALSO:  Now that I'm older, I realized how disrespectful it is to edit in titles in people's artwork without their permission so the new image is the placeholder until I draw bendy stuff, idk. I'm also gonna remove other images as well, even though I credited them.

• Every story will have an A/N (Author's Note) attached to them at the bottom with little updates, small hints and etcetera along with updates with my life which you really don't have to care about lmao. (Warning you, they can sometimes be awfully long...)

• You're a human, yourself actually in that manner in place of the reader. Not your OC (unless your OC's human or some shit). It's actually kind of irritating to get lots of comments saying that "my OC's the same size as him" or something like that.

• All of the chapters are long. They mostly range around 5000-10000 words so I'd suggest taking a break while reading if you need to do so. Again sorry, I just love to write!

• I will post small updates/heads up about this story on my message board about its progress or when the next chapter's going to be published so if you are ever curious, just look into my message board or follow me, I don't really care.

May contain foul language and mature themes. Eventually some gore and angst and maybe even sex (but I'll leave a warnings in the beginning specific chapters that includes the mature themes).

Bendy and The Ink Machine obviously belongs to TheMeatly and Y/N belongs to... yourself.

That is it folks! If everything appeals to you then go right ahead and read my story (mistake)! Don't be afraid to leave a comment or two because I love feedback, even criticism is acceptable because I am still learning too! Hate speech isn't tolerated of course.
Remember to drop a vote! <3

"Someone out there needs your help... Are you willing to risk your chances and assist them to their need?"

First Published: 2/19/2018

Last Edited (This Part): 3/7/2023

Last Chapter Updated: 5/28/2019


Drawn Together (Bendy x Female Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now