Chapter 2

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I stare dumbfounded at the office room door where my Babygirl just left from. I can't even explain how shocked and relieved to have seen her.

Me and Liam have been looking for her for years and still we couldn't find anything and now I find her in Florida of all places my Babygirl goes to Florida.

I should've seen this coming she loves the sun. I guess that was a pretty smart plan go somewhere that me and Liam wouldn't have thought to look but now she's ours again I've found my Babygirl I can't wait to tell my brother the exciting news.


After the meeting I stay behind in the board room to make a quick phone call.

"Liam you won't guess what happened today"

"Hold on man Ricky is angry about something again I have to bring him inside"

I wait until he successfully makes it inside the house where he can put Ricky down to play.

"Okay so how the meeting go"

"Fucking amazing"

"Never thought you were the meeting type"

"Fuck the deal I don't care about that-"

"We need that deal Ethan don't be dumb and mess this up we have to expand the company you Id-"


"You are a fucking genius I love you! Where is she? Can I talk to her? Does she still look the same?"

"Chill Liam I still have to talk to her but from what I've gathered she's Caleb's new P.A."

"That's good I'm happy for her.... what about Michael have you seen him"

"Not yet but once I do only god knows what I'll do to him... he took Abby away from us"

"Yeah, I can't wait to kick the shit out of him"

"But I'm telling you Abby is... wow she's even more beautiful we missed two years of her life seeing her grow into a woman"

"That's it I'm on the next flight there"

"You can't Liam I got to convince her to come back home"

"She doesn't have to this is good Ethan we get the deal with Caleb expand and move to Florida with Abby it's a win, win and we don't have to worry about Mark or Zack finding out"

"Mark goes with Stacy now I thought they moved away"

"Yeah, but that's only because Abby moved away and who's to say once his parents see Abby that they won't contact him"

"Your right can't take any more risk I'll start looking for homes here, you can start packing"

I hang up the phone with Liam, I can't stop the stupid smile that spreads across my face and I don't want to I feel like the luckiest man alive finding Abby. This is the happiest I've been in the two years since she's left.

I walk around the building in search of something or someone who can direct me to Abby's office. I find a lady at a desk and decide that's where I wanted to go.

"Hi miss"

"How may I help you"

"I was actually looking for an Abby Jones"

"Oh Abby! We all love her, of course a handsome man like you would be looking for her"

"Uh yeah can you direct me to her office"

"Of course, follow me" She gets up from her seat and leads me to the elevators where we stand in an awkward silence.


"Excuse me?"

"Your Abby's boyfriend right"

"You can say that"

She smiles brightly at me but then it fades, and she looks away from me. I can tell something is bothering her but she didn't want to say anything, so I decided to pry just a little.

"What's wrong"

"It's nothing... it's just Mr. Black has this sort of 'thing' for Abby since she's gotten here, we all thought she didn't have a boyfriend, so I was rooting for him and her finally"

"Well, I guess Mr. Black should find him someone else to gawk at other than my Abby"

"Oh no of course! He would never break a happy home"

I clench my fist at my sides. He likes my Abby she's not his, thank God I got here before he could make a move and try to take her away from me like Michael did.

Not this time no one will take Abby away from me and my brother again she's ours and we are Hers.

We make it to Abby's office door, and I don't even knock I go straight in embracing the beauty before me. Her face turns a bright pink when I close the door behind me.

"Babygirl, I've missed you so much me and Liam have been searching everywhere" I walk around her desk and hug her, smelling her intoxicating scent.

"Ethan why are you here"

"It was because of business but now that I've found you it's so much more"

"Ethan, you have to leave I've started a life without any of you in it and I'd like to keep it that way"

"What? What happened to the Abby that I know"

"I was a kid than Ethan I'm a woman now and I need to be realistic about life and me being with you and Liam was only causing me pain and stress"

"Don't say that Babygirl... oh and Ricky has missed you he goes inside your room every day and cuddles himself on your bed"

She smiles and looks down at her hands, I can tell she's nervous about me being here.

Knock knock

"Abby, can I have a word"

Ugh Caleb enters the room trying to act all friendly and sweet with my Babygirl but she's not for grabs.

"Oh, hey Ethan, I thought you left with everyone else"

"I was just here to talk to Abby"

"You two know each other I see"

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend" I proudly say taking a stand for what's mine.

"Ethan! You're not my boyfriend stops it"

"Is this a bad time I'll come back if it is"

"No Caleb it isn't"

"Yes, Caleb it really is"

Abby gives me a death glare clearly telling me I should leave. I didn't really want to but seeing as I have to go house haunting today, I should probably get started on that while Liam is packing away our home.

"I'll see you later Babygirl" I kiss her cheek and leave the building with a bit more pep in my step happy.

Things couldn't be better than this.

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