Chapter 29

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Paul and I were starting to come up with a plan that involved me being in a room alone with Caleb. This plan could've been in action if it wasn't for Caleb totally disappearing from work, he wasn't home and he hasn't contacted Paul so now we have no leads on how to find him.

I just hope Abby is okay, God, I miss her. She shouldn't have to deal with a complete fucking psycho like him and I, as a best friend, shouldn't have let her go with him when my gut told me something was wrong, I still let it happen because I thought it would make her happy but now, I see I was only ruining her. Never again.

I will find her, and I won't let her slip away this time. It's time to confess my feelings for her but she'll have to wait until I deal with Caleb.


I sat on the couch staring at this gorgeous man in front of me, he asked me many questions and surprisingly I answered all of them with honesty. It was as if I couldn't lie to him, he was very much intimidating, but he was nice and he didn't pry to hard like a nosey person.

"So now that I know a little about you tell me the problem" there he goes with that voice again, it was professional but seductive to the ears.

"It's hard to explain doctor... I have umm..."

"It's okay no one's here but you and me and I'm in no place to judge anyone. How about this, I tell you something from my past and you tell me something from yours and we'll start with that. Sounds good?" I nodded my head getting ready to hear what he had to say, I bet it couldn't be worse than mine but at least he's trying.

"Once when I was sixteen, I had sex with my English teacher Mrs. Sanders, she was a nice lady, but I never understood why she wanted to have sex with me, but we did. It was a constant thing every day I'd go to school early enough to see her, and it was going good until one day I was going to surprise her at lunch time, and she was there with another student. I spread a rumor around school how she loves having sex with kids and she went to jail"

I was shocked at his story but still it wasn't worse than mine, but it was close.

"She was married?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes, with two kids" I was shocked to hear that, she deserved to go to jail.

"Now your turn" here goes nothing, he said he wasn't going to judge but he probably will after this.

"When I was seventeen, I moved in with my stepbrothers, their twins and we were living good until I turned eighteen. Long story short I was dating both of my brothers and before you ask, yes, we were having sex" I looked up at his face to see if he was disgusted but to my surprise, he still had the same calming face.

"What made you think that was a good idea to date your stepbrothers?"

"I don't know. I mean they were nice and handsome; I was young that's all I could think about at the time. But they are both really great guys to this day, they always are there to protect and show me love when I need it. They never fail to make me feel comfortable and I love them with all my heart but..."

"But you don't want that kind of relationship anymore" he finished for me.

"It's not that simple though, something inside of me does want what we had when I was younger but another part of me doesn't. I ran away from a life that was filled with men trying to have me for their selves and I don't want that anymore. I want to be happy with one man in my life not five, I'm confused because it's so many traits that all of them have that I can't resist, and it makes me do really bad things"

He was writing things down, no doubt about what I was saying. I let the truth spill out of me like a waterfall and it was relieving to do so.

"And do you want to know something Dr. Lewis? I don't even know how all of those great men can actually love someone like me. I'm selfish, I'm ugly, I'm no good for anyone but yet they all want me as if I'm some golden prize."

He looked at me with bewilderment on his face, he put down his note pad and faced me.

"You're not ugly Ms. Jones and I'm sorry that you think that but it's not true, from what I'm hearing here is that you're just confused as to what you want in life and that's normal. Your young, you have your whole life to think of the right man for you and their lined up all you have to do is choose."

"I'm a liar Dr. Lewis, I don't like seeing them hurting so I lie to make everything okay. I lie because it's the only thing that helps them feel better"

"So, let's start with that then. I'll give you a task for... two weeks, when you encounter these men, and they ask you something where you would usually lie, I want you to tell the truth no matter how harsh or how disappointed they'll be. You are a person with feelings just as much as them and if you continue this it'll be an unhealthy escape for you until it destroys you. Take it from me, I see people in here more times than I can count, and I know that lying and hiding your feelings will only cause more damage than good"

I took everything he said in. He was right I was confusing things with all of them because I didn't want to upset them but all I was doing was causing more damage and confusion in my life when really, I needed a rest from it.

Dr. Lewis was really good at making me realize that and I felt better about it, I felt like I could do the task he asked of me because I know now that I'll be more open and honest with my feelings.

"I can do that" I said without hesitation, I needed this. Not only for me but for the men in my life, they deserved the truth from me and that's exactly what they're going to get.

"Great. So, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'll see you here before four p.m. and we'll go over your progress" I nodded my head thanking him for the quick session.

With this being just a preview of what's to come I was happy that they chose him to be my therapist. Not once did he make any sexual comments or study my body with his eyes, he was a real professional I needed that in my life.

I just don't know how professional I could stay if this man continues to be this gorgeous, but I'll try my best because this is good for me, and I don't want to confuse my life any longer.

We bid our goodbyes and I walked out of his office with a little weight lifted off of my shoulders and a smile upon my face, it felt good having that sort of support and guidance and now I was going to take all the things that Dr. Lewis told me and put it into action.

First, we'll start with Mark.

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