Chapter 37

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Okay, I can do this all I have to do is make a decision and pick the person who I feel I will spend the rest of my life with.

On one hand I love Liam, he's kind, caring, and protective. I love how much he cares about my well-being and—even though it can get overwhelming sometimes— his protective side. He wants what's best for me and it's no doubt in my mind that he would never hurt me purposely. But Liam can be too possessive at times and even though he loves me being on his bad side is not where I'd want to be.

That brings me to Ethan, he's funny and can make any girl just melt with his smile. Yes, his face is identical to his brothers, but they have two completely different personalities. Ethan loves me and he's a bit possessive but not as much he knows if we're together than that's how it is. But, with Ethan's kind heart I know he would want me to give him and Liam another try.

"Mark what are you doing here?!" I question as he smiles widely at me.

"I came here for you; I know that we've had our ups and downs, but I want this. I want a family with you, I want kids with you angel. You make me happy, and I won't take that for granted ever again I was young and so, so confused with the whole Stacy ordeal but now we're older and I know what I want. I want you Abby" he said while staring into my eyes.

I love Mark with all of my heart, but I don't feel the same way about him as a few weeks or years ago. Mark will always hold a special place in my heart, but I don't feel romantically attached to him that's why he was t invite here today.

"I love you too mark, but I can't be with you" I told him in a sympathetic tone. I didn't want to hurt him, but he has to know before things get confused again and that's not how I want my life.

"But- wait? What?!"

"You heard her she doesn't want to be with you now leave" Liam piped in. I rolled my eyes at him and made eye contact with Mark again.

"I'll always love you mark; you know that, and I never want to lose you, but I don't want a relationship with you. It's not that you aren't worth it because you are, but I just feel as if you need someone for you and I'm not that person unfortunately" I slipped my hands from his grasp and took a step back.

It's heartbreaking to see his face at this moment so I focused on something else instead of his sad eyes. I don't want to lead him on any more than I already have so I have to do this and if he decides he doesn't want to be friends then I'll be fine with that. As long as he finds who he had been looking for.

Michael is and will away be my partner in crime. I love him so much and it just so happens that he's had a crush on me this whole time, I knew before, but I never acted on it because I didn't want my past coming and destroying what we had and now that's exactly what happened.

Michael is funny, handsome, charming, and very caring. He isn't possessive but he wants the best for me even after he didn't trust Caleb, he still let me go and be free and he's by far the only guy in my life that's has allowed that. I can't picture a future that he isn't in, but I have to admit that this new Michael isn't my favorite.

He wants to murder and accuse people of things that we don't know is true. Yeah, Caleb is an extreme guy, but I don't think he would be capable of killing anyone at all or kidnapping. That just isn't him, but I won't put anything past anyone because you never know who might be telling the truth in this whole situation.

Like whom is Paul? I've worked at that company long enough to tell you that I've never seen a Paul around Caleb's office so who knows that happens with that story.


"I think you should go" I softly speak. I didn't want to hurt him even more than I already have but we aren't compatible with each other, and I don't want to lead him on.


"That's it!" Liam stormed up to Mark and punches him across the face.

Mark stumbled back out of shock and anger before he charged at Liam. The two-man wrestled on the floor before Ethan broke it up and made both of them stand apart.

"Not now! This isn't the time for you two to fight when it's clear that she's going through enough. Liam, you're my brother but cut the shit and be a man don't act childish because this isn't the place. Mark, I'm sorry for what my brother has did but Abby said all she was going to say so if you really love her respect her choice and leave for now Okay?" Everyone's eyes shot to Ethan as he told the two men off.

I couldn't be more in love with him right now. He knows how to have fun, but he knows when to quit it and be an actual adult and co tell his temper. That's more than I could say about the many men in this room right now.

Mark hesitantly nodded his head before leaving without another word. Ethan patted his brothers back and bringing him to have a seat.

"That was something" Michael spoke up laughing at a fuming Liam who Ethan is trying so hard to calm down. But once Liam gets started, he can't stop.

"Shut the fuck up Michael!" He spat as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

"Mickey, stop it!" I yell, Liam didn't look like he was going to contain his anger and Michael was pushing his buttons.

"Why should I? All he does is threaten people and tries to make you have a fucked-up relationship with him and his brother. Their sick fucks and probably fuck each other also" Michael laughed hysterically.

I didn't even know he was anymore. Usually, he's calm and quiet or trying to make the situation better but now all he's doing is ruining things and I honestly don't like it.

"What the hell?!" I heard Liam shout.

Oh no this isn't going to be good.

"You heard me! You and your brother fuck each other. Is that why you two share a girl because you don't want anyone to know. Tell me this Liam, does Ethan stay on top while you're getting fucked at the bottom?" A gasp in shock once Liam practically flies over to Michael and punch him square in the face.

I didn't want this to become a fight of the ex's but that's obviously what it's come to.

"Don't you ever say some shot like that out of your mouth again boy! Do you hear me!" Ethan pulls Liam back to his seat and tell him that it isn't worth it, but Liam is angry, and we know what happens when he's angry. The little things will get him angry.

Even though this isn't true what Michael said it still upset Liam to no end. I couldn't blame him either because now Michael was making me mad.

All the commotion was getting overwhelming until I finally spoke up. "Everyone stop it!" I shouted.

"I've made my choice. Out of all the people here he's remained to stay in character and didn't lose his shit over stupid accusations" I looked around the room at the men.

Caleb stood with his charming smirk as he stared at me. As if he knew who I was going to choose, I couldn't help but to admire his features and his manly stance.

"I pick you" I whisper.

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Oh shit! Did she just pick- I know that she didn't!

Well stay tuned for the next chapter and see how the guys reacted to her Picking. ❤

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