Chapter 27

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Walking into the house later that night I don't hear a single thing. I thought Caleb would've been from work by now I guess not.

I walk into our room ready to strip out of all my clothes and take a well needed shower after a day of painting another guest room, today the color was a baby blue it was so pretty on the walls as if it was meant for the room specifically. Mark has some very nice taste, along with my help of course.

First things first, I take off my shoes that are killing me damn I haven't been on my feet most of the day but still these shoes are killing me.

"Amy where are you" I call out to the little dog I've grown to love; she has nothing on Ricky, but she'll have to do for now. All in all, she's a very good dog but she loves Caleb way more than me, it's understandable.

"Amy! Where are you girl!" She finally runs and jumps on my legs; I pick her up making my way to the kitchen to give her dinner. Caleb should've been home to do this but no he's still at work, he's a hardworking man I'll give him that.

After I give her dinner I go and take a long shower, throwing on one of Caleb's T-shirts along with his boxers I walk into the kitchen to start dinner before he gets home.

I've eaten and watched television in the living room for hours and he still isn't home. I've tried to call him, but he doesn't answer, I hope everything's okay because if it is I'll kill him myself.

Just when I was going to doze off to sleep on the couch, I hear the door opening and Caleb's stumbles in with a woman on his side! I decided not to get angry because maybe someone helped him get home it's clear that he's drunk.

"Caleb, baby what happened?" I rush to his side and help him to the couch.

"I've got it from here thank you" I told the women, but she just stands there looking at me confused.

"Who are you?" She asks, I give her questioning look.

"Exactly, Daddy do you want me to get rid of her?" She kneels by Caleb, he doesn't say anything, but he smiles and looks back at me.

I was stuck to the floor; I didn't know what to do or how to react. I let things process in my mind before I went off.

I stand in front of Caleb staring into his eyes intensely, he stares right back at me with a blank face as if he's void of emotion.

"Caleb did she just call you daddy?" My voice was calm but held seriousness.

"I don't know did you leave out the part where you and Mark were a couple before you came here, oh that's right you did and not just that, but you've been in his home doing who knows what so hey here we are"

I stood in disbelief he thinks that me and Mark have something going on he couldn't be more wrong about that we were just friends, and I would never do that to him.

"Me and Mark are friends Caleb I would never cheat on you, why would you even think that"

"I don't know why you don't go ask Mark"

I laughed so hard I think I can't breathe anymore. He was right like he always is and here I am thinking it was for the best.

"You know Michael was right about this, I'm leaving, and you can have as much fun as you want because I won't be around anymore goodbye Caleb"

"Wait! no! -" he tries to go after me, but I walk off into the room to pack my things.

"Let her leave isn't this what you wanted" the women says. He shoved her off and runs to my side where I sit and pack my things.

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