Chapter 15

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Walking into work I make my way to Caleb's office to find him on the phone. It looked as if it was an important call, so I just sat down and waited for him to be done.

He was so sexy with how demanding he was on the phone telling whoever it was off. I slowly walk around the desk until I'm facing him, he keeps his eyes on me as I walk to him while he still talks on the phone. I straddled his lap while kissing on his neck with light feathery kisses making him close his eyes.

He wraps his arm around my waist pulling me into him, he looks into my eyes mouthing 'kiss me' I smirk and shake my head no making him pout leaning in for a kiss, but I pull away teasing him.

"Uh- I have to go I'll call you later" he ends the phone call quickly smashing his lips into mine hungrily causing me to kiss back immediately.

"I don't like it when you tease me baby"

"You were on the phone I didn't want to disturb you"

"I don't care about that phone call"

He pouts kissing me passionately, I swear he so freaking cute all the time I can't get enough of him.

"Okay Mr. Black back to work" I try to get from his lap, he holds me in place on his lap.

"I rather be with you" he buries his head inside the crook of my neck.

"You're such a baby"

"I'm your baby though"

I smile and kiss his head. We sit there for some time before I finally get away from his hold. I walk to the door of his office but suddenly he pins me against the door kissing at my neck.

"Caleb" i choke out breathing heavily from his touch but he only continues his attack.

Soon he stops and instead buries his head in my neck just staying there.

"I have to leave"


"I know it's so sudden but it's a really big offer and I can't just let it slide my dad would be disappointed if I didn't at least go and see what it was about"

"When do you leave"

"Tonight, I promise when I get the chance, I'm coming right back here to you"

I couldn't believe my ears Caleb's leaving on a business meeting for who knows how long, Michael has been spending so much time with Rose that I barely see him unless with him getting ready to take Rose out. What am I supposed to do now.

"Hey what's wrong"

"I know you have to go and I'm happy that your committed to your work but with Michael being with Rose I'll be lonely"

"I'll FaceTime you every night and before you know it, I'll be back, and we can take a week from work and go somewhere on vacation how does that sound"

"We can't do that"

"I'm the boss baby I do what I want"

"Okay" he kisses my lips softly; I love being with him he makes me feel warm inside like I never have before with anyone except for the twins but that's the past.

"I'll have the twins and Ricky with me, so it won't be so bad" I say, he pauses for a second before plastering a fake smile onto his face. This can't be good.

"About that baby, I don't think it would be a good idea staying with your brothers while I'm gone"

"What? Why?"

"I don't know no offense or anything, but I just don't trust them, and I know that they're your brothers, but you haven't seen them in two years people can change"

"You don't even know them that well to judge Caleb"


"No, Liam and Ethan were there for me at my worst when I lost my parents, I trust both of them with my life and I would never give them up"

"I'm not saying anything backed about them baby it's just I don't feel great about leaving you with them I don't know I just have a bad feeling"

"Caleb I can't even believe what I'm hearing right now"

"I'm only speaking my mind baby"

"I know that you feel the need to care for me, but this is the twins we're talking about they wouldn't hurt me, and I know they'll give their lives for me"

"Maybe your right. I'm sorry if I angered you baby"

"It's okay just please don't talk about Ethan and Liam like that... their all I have left, and I love them so much" I tell him with watery eyes. I knew it sounded as me being a good sister but that's not what I thought when I said that.

I love Ethan and Liam with all I have as my lovers not as my brothers even if they are sometimes aggravating their MY aggravation and I wouldn't give that up, I can try and fight it, but my heart knows what it really wants even if it's wrong to feel the way I do. I reminisce about old times with them when my life made sense and I was truly happy.

"I know" he smiles small at before embracing me into a well needed hug.

After a long day of work, I finally am able to pack up and leave. It's been pretty hard with Caleb leaving and all which had me in tears for a good hour after he boarded his plane, but I was happy that he's fulfilling his father's dreams.

"Hey Abby, do you have a minute" Stacy enters my office as I was making my way out.

"Uh... sure" I tell her and sit back down in my chair. She shuts the door and takes a seat in front of me.

"I just wanted to give you a heads up. People here are starting a rumor about you and Caleb"

"What rumor?"

"Well, when I was in the break room with a couple of co-workers, they were saying some really nasty things about you"

"What kinds of things"

"Well that your only with Caleb for his money and that's why you have the job you do now for sleeping with him"

"What I would never do such a thing!"

"I know you wouldn't, but I need to warn you about them they sabotaged the coffee that I'm supposed to make for you tomorrow morning. I see one of them doing it, but they don't know that I know about their plan, and I wanted to come to you first" I stare dumbfounded at the new information that Stacy was giving me.

I thought that they actually were rooting for me and Caleb not going behind my back making up lies about me. I was very confused as to why that may be.

I knew Stacy wouldn't want me to break up with Caleb she has Mark now there's no reason for her to lie about something like this. I didn't know things could get as bad as people trying to sabotage me.

"Thank you for telling me, Stacy"

"You're welcome" she stands and walks out of my office.

I need to have a very well needed talk with Caleb as soon as he lands, I can't be here if this is going to affect me working or my life apparently!

Something has to give. It's either my job or my relationship with Caleb.

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