Chapter 21

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Caleb woke me up early telling me we had to leave in order to catch our flight to wherever he planned our weekend.

I was tired and lazy so my Caleb being the sweet and caring man that he is, carried me until I had to be put on my own two feet but after he picked me right back up.

It felt good being treated like a baby especially with Caleb being the one to take care of me I had no worries nor doubts that this was going to be a great week spent with my boyfriend.

We flew his private jet, and I couldn't be luckier that he had a bed in here. I instantly plopped down on the bed and feel asleep without a second thought.

"I'll wake you when we land okay baby?"

"Yeah Whatever" I mumble before getting comfortable and going into a deep sleep.

"Baby where here" Caleb rubs my back soothingly. I groan and turn over needing just a little more sleep.

"Baby come on wake up"

"Daddy please I need rest!" He chuckles and kisses my temple picking me up, so I lay over his shoulder.

"I'll just carry you how about that?"

He carries me from the jet down and down the stairs. It's really bright out and the only thing I am able to see are trees and sand. A beach?

"Where are we?" I ask now looking around.

"Entalula Island, Philippines." He says casually.

"We're in the Philippines and an island?!?"

"It's actually my- our private island no one else but us for a whole week" I smile brightly, it was so beautiful out and the water ahead was so blue and beautiful.

I walk around my feet making contact with the sand as I explore all that's around. The bright and dark green trees that stand tall I couldn't help but be mesmerized at the sight.

"How long have you had this island?"

"A few months now I didn't even know why I bought it, but fate brought us together for a reason where we can escape just the two of us"

He really is amazing I still can't believe he's this perfect I've yet to find any flaw from this god given man. It won't be so hard falling for him.

We've spent hours swimming and having sex without a care in the world I couldn't be happier knowing it's just the two of us in our island.

We can do as we please and not have anyone bother us. My phone rings and Paul's name flashes on my screen. The shower is still heard so I walk out of our bedroom outside onto the balcony where she wouldn't hear my conversation.


"Yes, uh... Mr. Black I've done what you told me to do"

"Is everything taken care of no blood anywhere or sign of him putting up a fight" I ask eager to know all about the death of Michael.

"Y-yes h-he's taken care of" he assured me. I sigh in relief knowing that he's gone out of our lives for good now.

"Good work Paul I'll be sure to reward you with how about two hundred thousand for your services"

"N-no s-ir that won't be-"

"I insist but in the meantime. What else has happened"

"Ms. Rose has reported him missing but they said they can't do anything about it unless he's been gone for seventy-two hours"

"Good I won't them to look for him because they'll never find his body, right?"

"Yes, sir I p-put him e-exactly where you t-told me to"

I hang up the phone and smile victoriously knowing I've got Abby all to myself. Well, her brothers are a problem, but they're just her brothers so I'll let them live.

Just than Abby comes begins me wrapping her small petite hands around my frame hugging me.

"Hey baby"


"Why don't we get you to bed you seem so tired"

She nods and I pick her up bridal style leading her back into the room where I lay her down and throw the covers over us. I hug her waist as she buries her face in my chest becoming sleepy by the minute. Just than her phone rings and she spring from my hold to answer it.

"Hey, Rose, how's it going" she ask in her usually cheerful voice. I became nervous I didn't think rose would call Abby this is all going wrong, the point of this trip was to get away from all that, do not have my baby worrying about a dead friend of hers.

"WHAT!? Michael wouldn't just leave without telling anyone. Did you call his mother or sisters, umm ask my brother I'll give you their number" her hands shake as she types a message to Rose, I believe.

"Baby What's wrong" I ask trying to sound as worried as possible.

"Michael's missing and I know he wouldn't just leave without telling anyone where he's going"

"How do you know"

"Because I've left with him before" she gets up from bed dialing what I assumed to be his number numerous times before breaking down and crying.

My heart aches for my baby in so much pain. That bitch Rose did this I'll be sure to have her punished for ruining our stay here. Abby than straighten up and heads for the walk-in closet.

"What are you doing baby?" I ask curious as to why she would go inside the closet.

"We have to leave. I'm sorry I know this was supposed to be our week, but I can't be here when something could have happened to Michael"

"He's a grown man baby I'm sure he's fine"

"No, he's not I can feel it I have to find him" she packs her suite cases in a rush while wiping tears from her eyes.

I wanted to command her to lay back in bed and forget all about Michael, but I knew she'd see I really could be careless about that guy. He's dead so what's the harm in 'looking' for him. I stand and sigh knowing I couldn't fight her on this, yet she was determined and even though it boils my blood how much she cares for him I have to play along and not scare her away just yet.

"I guess we're going home"

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Michael's dead!!!!😩😩😞 so sad I actually loved him💔

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