Chapter 11

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Seeing Michael happy was all I could ever ask for and I'm even more happy that Rose is the girl that he's spending his time with. Maybe I did find his soul mate.

I walk into my office before digging into the pile that lays on my desk. A knock sounds at my door making my head snap up until I could see who it was.

"Stacy hi"

"Hi...umm your brothers are here to see you"

"You can send them in, thank you"

"Okay... can I ask you something"

"Of course, what is it"

"Have you may be seen mark around"

"No, I haven't why?"

"No reason I just remembered him saying he was near the office I wanted to know if he has seen you yet"

"Oh, I must've missed him but make sure you give say hi for me"

"I will" she smiles sweetly before leaving my office and letting the twins waltz right in.

I stop my work for a while as I see the both of them walk in but this time they're not alone.

"Ricky?" I squeal as I see the little dog run into my open arms. I hug his body to me tightly kissing all over his fur while he barks and licks my face.

"We thought you'd like to see him"

"Thank you so much I've missed him" I say playing with the little dog in front of me and then it hit me.

"Wait why hasn't he grown bigger than this?"

"Small breed dog disease"


"I know we said the same apparently he's not going to grow any bigger than what he is now"

"But he still looks like a puppy it's been two years" I state concerned for my little Ricky who has the most energy. He looks healthy and clean not a care in the world as he jumps around my office.

"Did I do that?"

"No Babygirl you didn't" before I know it, I'm in tears crying over the fact that Ricky could be really sick dogs like him grow very big and he's still the size of a puppy.

"He can't be sick I can't lose him too" I cry even harder at the thought of Ricky being gone completely.

Liam and Ethan make their way around my desk with open arm to embrace me with a hug but before they can Caleb enters my office, once he sees I'm crying he makes his way over to me embracing me into his warm broad chest soothing my cries.

"What's wrong baby" he asks, I hear a groan from behind me but don't pay too much attention to it as I cry into Caleb's chest.

"Aww it's okay I'm here now... I don't think Abby is in the mood for company why don't you two leave I'll call you when she has calmed down." He says, I pray that they leave without causing any damage to Caleb and let it go knowing how protective they are over me.

"We'll leave and make sure you let us know she's okay right Liam?"

"Yeah right" Liam says in his sarcastic tone. They both give me one more look before leaving my office and taking Ricky along with them.

"Come on Baby we don't need to do any work today we can go back to my place and cuddle how does that sound"

"Okay" I kiss his lips and thank him for being here for me which I never give him the chance to be because Michael always is my go-to. But seeing as he's spending time with Rose, I don't want to bother him.

I need to let him go and rely on my boyfriend more often he really knows how to soothe me.



"Did you see that he completely took away Abby!"

"I know he-"

"He called her baby right in my face I call her baby no one else!"

"Liam I-"

"She didn't even want him to touch her I bet she wanted us instead he came into the room trying to boss everyone around like she's his!"

"Liam stop shouting I was there to!"

I pace back and forth in the living room fuming in rage at the sight of MY baby and that idiot hugging each other.

"I thought I could do this Ethan, but I can't... I can't watch what's ours being taken away by him I just can't"

"I know I can't stand the sight of that either, but we aren't going to back out now we go along with the plan Liam"

"I can't Ethan it breaks my heart seeing her crying her eyes out and neither you nor I helped her we just stood there like idiots while he soothes her"

"What could we have done beat the shit out of him than what would Abby think of us"

"I don't know but I know one thing I'm out of this is how it's going to be from now on"

"What?!? The fuck you are. I love Abby with all of my heart, and I know you love her to, and I'll be damned if you back out now. I will have Abby again; we will have her again Liam all we have to do is be patient"

"What if I slip up than what"

"Liam, I swear to God if you mess this up, I'll kill you! That is my Babygirl, your baby we are talking about. What happened to never give up again until she's ours?"

"I'm not giving up I just wanted to rip his fucking head off when he did that"

"I know but we can't we are going through with this plan and if you don't want to anymore, I won't force you, but you'll never have Abby and you're going to be really angry once you see she's with me instead of you"

He does have a point I can't mess any of this up. I need Abby she's my happiness and I can't let go.

"I lost her once Liam I'm not losing her again"

Ethan sighs sitting down burying his head in his hands. I know this is taking a toll on him like it's taking a toll on me we're just handling in different ways.

Ethan buried himself into his work while I took my anger out on any object laying around when Abby left us. I knew he wasn't stable without her, and neither was I knowing that she was out there somewhere not being around us crushed my heart.

That was the first time I've seen my brother break down and cry once we got home and realized she left. I couldn't console him because I did the same feeling no shame while I let my tears pour from the loss of our Abby.

"Your right I have to just suck it up I'm not going to give up never"

"Okay so now let's start planning no time should be lost" I nod my head in agreement as we discussed our plan to get Abby back.


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