Chapter 14

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I can't believe I've freaked out like I did. I don't know what took over me to act such a way towards the twins when all they were doing was showing that they've got over me like I wanted.... I think?

So now we're sitting in the living room with me in the middle and the twins on either side of me. Ricky was sleep so we left him out in one of the guest rooms while we enjoyed a movie that Liam is to pick but he's taking so long to find one.

"Liam pick any movie please"

"No, I need to find one that we would all enjoy"

"Dude come on we've been looking through movies for twenty minutes now"

"Yeah, but you don't have the remote I do so I suggest the both of you be quiet while I find us a movie"

I laugh at his little outburst on both Ethan and I even though I know he was irritated he looked adorable as ever concentrating on the screen.

"So, Baby- Abby how do you like your job"

"It's okay you can call me baby girl and I like it very much"

"I'm happy that you've actually find your job likable most people hate their jobs I know I did when I was your age"

"Well, I've always wanted to work and the lady I worked for was the nicest lady I've ever met, and she taught me a thing or two about life"

"Oh, that good"

I could tell that it was awkward for him to talk to me without bringing up our past but so far, he was doing good and I'm proud that they both didn't try anything on me tonight it shows that they really care about my happiness.

Finally, Liam puts on the movie and our attention goes onto the screen.

"The princess and the frog? It's a Disney movie"

Deja vu

"And? I love this movie and if I'm not mistaken you do too or at least did"

He was right I still loved this movie, and I couldn't deny how happy I was about watching it with them like old times.

Sitting up I lay my head Onto Ethan's lap while the rest of my body lays on Liam's lap allowing him to run his hands up and down my legs while Ethan pets my hair soothingly. This feeling is what I've missed knowing that I have two brothers who love me enough to respect my wishes.

It doesn't matter how hard I'm trying to contain myself I appreciate that they are too because this would be a mess if they were to take it too far. I don't think I could control myself.

Liam's hands run up and down my leg lightly making my breathing hitch a little. I think I'm enjoying this way too much I need to stop and think about Caleb my boyfriend who is hot and amazing to me and would never do this.

"I'm hungry!" I shout getting both of their attention, I mentally face palm myself I should have just gotten up, but I was nervous and didn't know what to do.

"I'll get you something from the kitchen"

"No, I'll manage" I say, getting up from the couch I walk to the refrigerator looking around for something quick to eat.

Once in the fridge I spot pepperoni hot pockets which were my favorite when I stayed with the twins. I always had to remind them when they went out for groceries. I smile and pop one into the microwave, I didn't think they still buy these after two years.



"So how are you holding up"

"Not good man it's fucking hard not to just kiss her"

"I know I feel the same we just need to get through the night"

Abby was still in the kitchen making her something to eat so I got up and went to see what she picked.

"I didn't know you still buy these"

"Well, I guess it's a part of our grocery list"

She smiles and takes a bite from her food. Even though the red sauce was on the corner of her lips she was still the most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on.

I stare at her in Awe while she's oblivious to how incredibly gorgeous she's always without even trying.


"You have something on your face"

"Where? Here?" She points to her cheek and wipes at the spot causing me to laugh.

"No, the corner of your lips" she wipes at her face but still doesn't get the sauce from her face.

I walk over to her leaning down wiping the sauce from her face. We stare in each other's eyes for a long while, debating whether to kiss or not. I knew it would ruin everything that me and Ethan planned but she's right here and I know my baby feels the same about me as I do her.

She just needs that little push to break down those walls she built over her love for us. I want to be the one to break those walls and make her realize that it's us she wants not Caleb.

"Hey, guys, what's taking so long" Ethan walks into the kitchen. We break our gaze from each other, Abby looking down and me turning around to face a livid Ethan.

"Liam a word" he says trying to contain his temper for Abby of course but I could already read his mind.

I follow behind him until we both are out of Abby's sight.

"What the fuck Liam!?!" He whispers shout in my face.

"I didn't do anything"

"You didn't but what would've happened if I didn't come into the kitchen than what!"



"Okay look I'm sorry but we didn't kiss and I'm trying to contain myself Ethan it's hard being around her like this"

"I don't care if it's that hard Liam you could have just walked away from her not give in when we are so close"

He soon cools down deep in thought before he speaks again this time in his normal voice.

"We need to have another date but not dinner maybe lunch or something"

"That could work I'll go-"

"No, I'll go ask her you can stay here"

"Why can't I ask her"

"Don't ask stupid questions Liam" he sighs and walks away back to the kitchen where I guess he's going to ask Abby.

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Okay so I know I've been having crazy schedules with this book and that's because I have a surprise for you all.

Okay so I know I've been having crazy schedules with this book and that's because I have a surprise for you all

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My new book that's now out and ready for reads and votes.

I've only just published it tonight April 8th, 2018. So please take your time and join another journey with me when you're not reading Abby's journey of course. 😂

Bye now loves I love all the support you all have given me, and I live for your comments they really make me laugh and see things from your view I read and appreciate each and every one of your comments💕

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