Chapter 23

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Abby hasn't been herself lately all this stuff dealing with Michael has her either crying or upset all day long, it irritates me.

I can't stand seeing her upset and crying and not being able to do anything about it, every time I try, she either lashes out on me or leaves and goes to her brothers for comfort when she really only needs me.

Right now, I'm on my way to pick her up from Michael's home and we're going to have a talk whether she likes it or not, I refuse to let my baby sulk over someone who isn't me. She shouldn't even think twice about him he's a grown man.

He's also dead which I'm still content with but she doesn't need to know that just yet with her crying and everything.

Pulling up to house I hop out of the car and make my way towards the front door, knocking first until I get an answer. What do you know it's one of her brothers.

"Can I speak with Abby"

"No, you cannot" he simply says, I wanted so bad to punch his face, but I controlled myself and took deep breaths.

"I'm sorry but I need to speak to my girlfriend" I try and be polite throughout the situation but he's making it hard, I don't like him nor his brother for coming and ruining my relationship because clearly, it's none of their business what me and my baby go through.

"And I couldn't care"

Now my patience was running low the anger that's been building up inside of me wants to release and beat the shit out of which ever twin this is at the door. Who does this guy thinks he is!

"Listen here motherfu-"

"Caleb?" I hear my baby call out to me; my face softened at the sound of her sweet voice all I want to do is cuddle her.

"I'm here baby" she runs to give me a hug, but her brother stops her at the door.

"Abby are you sure you're okay to leave"

"Why wouldn't she be okay to leave with me I am her boyfriend"

"Liam stop it, Caleb I'm ready to go" she smiles at me, but I could see the sadness in her big, beautiful doe eyes.

Probably still thinking about Michael but I plan on making her forget even if it's just for the time being I'll make sure to make her feel loved.

I grab my baby girl and kiss her as if she was my air I needed to breathe because that's exactly how I feel, she is mine and I've missed her so much.

"Hey gorgeous, you've missed daddy?" I ask her, I know her brother was listening, but I wanted him to he needs to know who she belongs too she doesn't need her brothers when she has me in her life taking care of any and everything she needs.

I'm her savior I'll protect my baby through anything. Whatever she needs I can give her, I'm always there for her whenever she needs me.

She blushes and puts her face in the crook of my neck making me smile at her adorable action.

My shy baby, she's so gorgeous she doesn't even know what she does to me.

"Yes" she says in a whisper, I smile and kiss her temple, I pick her up and let her legs wrap around my waist while her hands hold my neck.

"Thanks for looking after my baby" I say to her brother that must be Liam, he glares at me, but I just smile and leave with my Abby in my arms.

"Let's go home baby, daddy wants to take care of you" I coo in her ear while her head rest on my shoulder.


All I feel is rage, I want to kill that fucker he can't just come here and take my baby away from me.

"Liam, where's Abby" Ethan comes from the kitchen with sundaes in his hands, we were supposed to watch a movie on the couch with Abby until he came and ruined everything.

"He took her Ethan!" My anger boils even more as I rethink everything that's happened.

"Why the fuck did you let her go with him!"

"You're the one who said we should give her options to do what she wants!"

"I know but still you let her go with him!"

I was frustrated to even hear what Ethan had to say I could tell he was angry also; we did spend the whole weekday in and day out with Abby depending on us for him to come and take her away.

"You know the worst part though" I say catching Ethan's attention.

"What could be worst then this?"

"He referred to himself as her daddy and she agreed" that probably was the reason I was as angry as I was, Abby only has two daddies and that's Ethan and I not him. Never him.


"I heard it clear as day"

"No, you couldn't have she only calls us daddy I don't believe that"

"Would I lie to you Ethan and if I am couldn't you tell if I were lying or not" being my twin we always could tell when the other was lying or not, I guess that's a twin thing.

Ethan flips the table closest to him, I feel his rage, but I couldn't do that in front of Abby she would be so scared if I was to kill her so called boyfriend in front of her. I couldn't have my baby mad or scared at me, so I refrained from doing so.

"That's it after we find Michael, we're getting her back I don't care what it cost us, I don't care if she refuses at first, I can't let him manipulate her mind anymore"

"I agree I can't wait any longer to have her back anyway"

"Okay... let's just go to the office and get started on this the sooner Michael is back the happier she will be, and we'll have her back in no time after that" he sighs, rubbing his hand over his face.

I stand up and leave with Ethan, I'm still angry but now I'm more determined to have my baby back in my arms like how we use to be. To love and kiss all over her without caring if she had a boyfriend because I was her boyfriend, and she was my sunshine.

Ethan's right finding our cousin was always our priority because he is family but now that we agree getting Abby back it became even more of a mission to find where he has been.

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