Chapter 35

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"You can't be serious Mikey?!" I shouted, mike stood there with his arms crossed as if this were some types of nonchalant thing to say.

"Of course, I'm serious, you can't protect him Abby, he's a monster who destroys and kills people don't take his side!" I couldn't believe my ears; Michael would never say anything like this! Murder and Michael just doesn't fit.

"I'm not taking his side mike! He's still a person and yes, he's done some bad things but that doesn't mean he should die, how about we go to the police-"

"No, he needs to suffer for what he's done! And that's final Abby, are you with me or against me?" He held his hand out in my direction, I stared at him shocked and disappointment.

"My Mikey would never say anything like this what has happened to you!"

"Are you with me Abby!" He asked again with his hand still extended. I shook my head and raised my hands in surrender while backing up.

"I'm never going to be with a plan such as that, I'm out" I walked to the twins and stood between them both. Michael looked hurt but then anger took over his features.

"Later you'll see this was for the best" he stormed out while slamming the door on his way, I wanted to run after him but what's the point when he's just going to do what he wants.

A tear escaped my eye and before I knew it, I broke down and cried, I love Michael with all of my heart but killing someone wasn't the way to go about things. Everything suddenly hit me all at once.

Caleb was a killer, psychopath would be the right term and then Michael, my partner in crime and best friend was going to become a killer and Mark wanting more from me then what I could give him. All I had were the twins.

"No baby girl don't cry I'm here" Ethan held me in his arms, I felt safe and secure, but I couldn't control the tears I had for Michael, he was my best friend and I get that he was going through something and had a grudge against Caleb, but murder wasn't something that he would do. Well, I guess that's not true now.


"Shh... I'm here baby, right here forever" he hugged me from behind while Ethan hugged my front.

Every time I needed them, they were here just waiting for me. I wanted my best friend back the way we were but that's asking too much. What would Mikey do if the tables were flipped?

"I have to go after him before he does something-" I tried pushing out of the hug, but they wouldn't let me go.

"No! I won't let you be around him while he's like this Abby, he's our family too but he's a grown man he can make his own decisions" Liam said while holding me tighter.

"He's going to get himself hurt!" I struggled to get out of their hold, but they were too strong.

"Hey, we can help him in other ways but Liam's right I won't let you near him while he's like this" Ethan says calmly and they were right I could control the situation if I just think smart about this.

Michael apparently wasn't in the right state of mind and I as his best friend needed to help him at this time. After the twins let me go, I pulled my phone from my purse and dialed the only number I could at this time.

"Hi Dr. Lewis, do you think you could come by and help me with a friend. He's gone through something's and he's not in the right state of mind"

"Of course, Abby, where should I met you" I gave him my address and bid my goodbye, I know Michael would be home by now all I have to do is make one more call and then we could settle this for good.


I threw everything in my room around in a rage, she couldn't even listen to me. I've had her back since day one and now when I need her, she isn't here!

She can't see that Caleb is a monster who kills people for what he wants, and I was on that list, she didn't care that I could have died if Paul wasn't generous as he and his wife were. I've cared and loved Abby with all my heart, but she protects this psychopath!

I still love her, and I want the best for her, but I have to do this or else more people will die if they cross Caleb's path. He's a sick fuck who thinks he can just push people around, but his mistake was not making sure that I was dead.

"Mikey are you here!" I could hear her voice from downstairs. I wanted to be gone before she came looking for me.

I stayed quiet and sat in my bed quietly hoping that she'd think I wasn't here at all.

"Mikey?" She shouted again a little lower this time.

That nickname that she gave me, the nickname I hate and love. Only she's allowed to call me that and get away with it because she my Abby and she's my best friend.

Fuck how did I fall in love with this woman so deeply!

"I'm here" I finally say, I don't know why I said it, but I did. I didn't want her leave; in fact, I wanted the exact opposite.

I wanted her to come after me and check on me, but I wasn't going to admit that to her.

"How are you?" She asked in her soft voice. She sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm not happy Abby, he's going to kill again, and no one isn't going to stop him" we stayed silent for a moment before she tugged me up onto my feet.

"Come downstairs with me" without even thinking I let her lead me into our living room where a man sat opposite to the twins. I studied him as I got closer and closer and knew exactly what this was.

"I'm not talking to a shrink Abby!" I whisper shouted to her, I halted, and she did also.

"Trust me Mikey it's for the best, do you trust me Mikey?"

"Of course,"

"Well don't say anything and let me handle it all" I nodded and walked into the living room with her.

The twins nodded their heads at me once I sat down on the opposite couch with Abby.

"So, your Michael" the man said, I looked at him before hesitantly nodding my head yes.

"I've heard from your friend Abby that she's really worried about your behavior and mind set"

"I would've said that but yes I have changed a little and that's because of-"

"I'm sorry I'm late. What's the emergency"

"What the fuck is he doing here!" I shouted as Caleb stood in front of my living room, who he'll told him to just walk in my home.

"Abby, I do t think-" the therapist spoke up nervously as if he knew something.

"No, he's here now! We can settle this" I said as I rose from my seat and stood directly in front of him, my chest heaved up and down as I became more and more aware of his presence actually standing in my living room.

"Don't push me Michael, you won like the outcome" Caleb warned, he was all bluff wanting a skinny man doing all of his work instead of his own, he didn't have the guts to be a man and do it himself.

"Try me Caleb"

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