Chapter 22

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The flight home was the worst I kept thinking of Mikey I hope he's okay. Why would he just take off like that and not even tell me, we tell each other everything and I just seen him wouldn't he mention him going somewhere?

Caleb tried his best to console me, but it didn't help my mind was only on one person and that's my best friend in the whole world I can't lose him I just can't. After everything we've been through, he can't just vanish into thin air.

Instead of going back to Caleb's I decided to go back to Michael's place and check it out. It just isn't like him I can feel that something is wrong. As I open the door Rose is already hopping from her seat to greet me.

"Have you heard anything rose" I ask anxiously, I try to be calm as I can seeing as she's freaking out and it not good if the both of us are out of it to actually find him.

"Nothing I've called him so many times and left so many messages, but he hasn't responded to any of them" I wanted to break down, but I remained calm and decided to have a look around the house to see if anything was out of the ordinary.

I walk inside the living room and it's clean as usual. Nothing was out of place, so I went around the whole house to find at least something to tell me he's okay. None of his clothes has been touched, his wallet sits on his dresser but there was something different.

His necklace, it was hanging on his headboard like it's been placed there. He never takes his necklace off and I don't either, somethings wrong why would he take his necklace off unless something is wrong. Is he trying to tell me something, knowing I'll be the only one to see and notice that the one necklace that mean so much to us is just hanging on a headboard.

I need to tell Caleb about this he'll know what to do. Get his people to search for Michael and bring him back safe or at least find out if he's okay wherever he's at.

I pick up my cell to call Caleb, but I'm interrupted by Ethan and Liam walking into the room. I quickly rush and hug the both of them while the tears I've tried to hold back flow down my face.

"Shh. it's okay Babygirl"

"We'll... look for him" Liam adds while he pets my hair. I instantly Calm from their touch and voices, they've always had that effect on me.

"You promise?" I ask looking at the both of them.

"Yes, he's our cousin we'll make sure he's okay for you" I smile and kiss both of their cheeks while smiling widely.

I guess I don't have to tell Caleb after all I shouldn't bother him with this. It's a family matter and he didn't even know Michael that much I'll just rely on my brothers.

"I found his necklace on his bed post and he never takes this necklace off" I show them the necklace.

"It's broken?" Liam says picking up the necklace to analyze it.

"No, I have the other piece" I pull the necklace from under my shirt and show them. They look at each other for a split second with rage but try to hide it from me with a fake smile.

"Partners in crime huh?"

"Yeah, he gave me this as a memory of our friendship" I smile down at my piece of the necklace. I retrieved his piece from Liam and put it around my neck also. I'll never take this off until I know that Michael is okay to wear it himself.

I sit on the bed and my eyes spot something at the sooner of the door. Blood. My eyes well up in tears once more as I began to sob while Ethan holds me up and Liam plants kisses in my cheek.

"He's Okay Babygirl if anything I know that he's a fighter and whatever happened here I know he's going to be okay"

"We are going to find him and get whoever did this to him they won't get away with this" I believe them knowing that they have their own issues with Michael he's still family and family sticks together especially us.

I sigh in relief at their words and nuzzle into Ethan neck. Before I know it, my eyes get droopy, and darkness takes over.

Michael (surprise!)

It's dark and cold, I don't know where I am or who brought me here. A door opens and then there's light blinding me from whoever stands at the door.

"I'm so sorry sir but my boss wanted me to kill you and I couldn't I'm not that person please I hope you forgive me" He places a bag in front of me.

"My wife cooked this for you, I swear I never meant for this to happen, but he forced me I know of I denied my family would be dead."

"W-what's your name?" I ask while my eyes adjust to the light, and I get a clear vision of him.


"Paul I'm going to need to get out of here I know people are worried about me"

"You can't if he sees you, I'll be dead and so will my kids and wife I can't risk that"

"Who is your boss?"

"Caleb Black"

Rage fills me that son of a bitch wanted me dead I wanted to rip his head off but then worry courses through me. I let Abby go with that fucking maniac, I've failed her. I hope she's okay.

I knew if I really wanted to, I could overpower Paul he's a slender man with no muscle at all. I just couldn't bring myself to do it, he has a family at risk, and he didn't kill me which says something about his character.

"I won't ask you to let me go but you will do something for me"


"I'll help you if you help me"


"You're going to help me kill that motherfucker. We will not lock him in a room and jail is out of the question, if you want your family safe this is the only way. Kill Caleb Black before he kills you or me."

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Don't kill me because you all thought that Michael was dead. I couldn't bare having him die he's too sweet and he's a really important character for later chapters. 🤫

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