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Luminescent POV

Supers are indeed real. Living breathing people. In fact I am a hero. A superhero. Or at least I think so...

But maybe I don't exactly love being one. I mean, I love saving people, it makes me feel wanted, no needed. But I find that humans forget that I'm still human at heart. I need sleep and food and water. I need time to myself and to relax.

It gets a tad bit annoying when the police don't even bother to help.

It's also really annoying hiding my identity. From my friends and family especially.

But the most annoying thing of all, I still can't decide if I'm good or bad. Am I really the bad guy here?

It's crazy. I don't know what to do sometimes.

All I can say is being a superhero is hard and I've only been one for a week.

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