Chapter Seventeen: Sugar Rush Plus Luminescent Equals Crazy Crap To Go Down

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Shakira's POV

I wake up dreading the school day. I put on black skinny jeans and a big hoodie. I also pull on my uggs.

I do a quick makeup job and do a simple braid in my hair.

I walk into the kitchen eat a small breakfast before grabbing my school bag and heading out.

I pick up Jen, like normal, and we head to school.

"So, Shakira," Jen starts as I park into the schools parking lot. "How are you and Luminescent doing?"

"I haven't seen him in a while." I reply getting out, half true, Shakira hasn't seen him in a while, Enchanting Magic has.

"That's about to change." Jen says, pointing up at the sky.

Luminescent and Selcouth are flying down talking intensely to each other.

A bunch of girls are pointing and screaming, forcing me to roll my eyes. They all start making their way over.

"Hello Shakira." Luminescent smiles.

"Hello Luminescent." I smile.

"Have you heard about the new super? Enchanting Magic?" Luminescent asks.

"Hasn't everybody?" Jen interrupts.

I watch a random bunch of cars pull into the school parking lot.

"You like Enchanting Magic?" I ask Jen.

"Love her! She's like, yeah, I'm a girl and my powers don't involve flying, but I can still beat your ass!" Jen exclaims.

I laugh. "That's one way to put it, but, I heard she can fly." I say.

"What?" Jen asks confused. She goes onto some random blog and nods. Then she reads aloud. "Picture of Enchanting Magic shows she's using a black and teal surfboard to get around faster now."

Sure enough, there's a picture of Magic zooming back to my house.

"Wow, now that's what you call a roll model." I whistle.

"Any way, Shakira, we have Magic on our side now." Selcouth says.

Suddenly camera flashes are all around us and the four of us are standing there in surprise. Those random cars must have been the paparazzi! The girls finally made their way through the maze of cars and are screaming at Luminescent and Selcouth to sign something for them.

"How do we get out of this?" I mutter so only Jen, Selcouth and Luminescent can hear.

"Selcouth take Jen." Luminescent says before scooping me up. I scream like always.

We rush towards the roof of the school and I'm put back on my feet.

"Stop. Picking. Me. Up." I say through gritted teeth to Luminescent.

Jen and Selcouth appear beside us within seconds.

Jens face looks hilarious.

I burst into laughter at Jens expression. She's completely awestruck.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Selcouth Entity just picked me up. Shay I'm going to faint." Jen says. I just keep laughing as Jen sits down to steady herself.

I fall to the ground in my laughter, clutching my stomach.

Finally Jen snaps out of her trance and glares at me.

"Well you're the one scared of heights, we're on the roof of the school, how high up do you think we are?" Jen asks.

I feel her smile and my laughing stops almost immediately.

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