Chapter Sixteen: Luminescent Already Almost Knows My Secret Identity

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Shakira's POV

I yawn and stretch out. My limbs hurting from being curled up on the couch all night.

"Morning Shay." Grandma says as I walk into the kitchen rubbing my eyes.

"Morning grandma." I reply.

I put four crumpets in the toaster and wait impatiently for them to finish.

"How was your first day in costume?" Grandma asks.

"Well, I already stopped a crime." I say.

"And your name?"

"Enchanting Magic."

"I like it."

We turn on the TV to the news and the reporter has the couple I saved last night on screen.

"Can you two explain what the new hero was wearing?" The reporter lady asks.

"She had thigh high black boots and her costumes colour was a teal like colour. Black designs were on it. Her mask... I can't even describe it." The girl says.

"So we're talking about a heroine! A girl super! We haven't had one in ages! What did she say her name was?" The reporter asks.

"Enchanting Magic." The boy says.

"Well, Enchanting Magic, if you're watching this right now, New York is in your debt! You saved the mayors daughter and her boyfriend! Thank you Magic!" The reporter says.

"Congratulations Shay!" Grandma exclaims hugging me.

"Thanks grandma." I smile.

"You should go out today and roam around."

"Okay." I put on my costume and I'm out the fire escape and to the roof.

I go along a few rooftops before looking down into the busy streets.

I'm amazed at how I'm not scared of heights in my costume! I watch a few men walk out of the bank, about thirty seconds later a woman runs out looking all panicked. I make my way down the fire escape and I walk onto the busy street and right to her.

"What's wrong ma'am?" I ask.

"Some men came into the bank, I didn't realize what they were doing until after they left! They stole tons of money!" The woman exclaims.

"I saw them. I'll do my best to get the money back for you." I say.

I start at a full out sprint, dodging people in my way. I spot the group of men and seemingly one woman on the other side of an intersection. The cars start streaking by though, no chance of me getting across... Or is there?

I run into the intersection and jump over the cars hoods skillfully as though I've done it millions of times before.

I run in front of the group and look at the.

"Haven't you men and... woman been naughty." I say. They stop and look at me.

"Watch out super wannabe." One of the men say.

I snort. "Wannabe? Give me the money now so I can return it and I'll let this crime go. Don't give me the money and you're all going to jail."

"Run!" The woman commands.

They split off in different directions, so I use my telepathy to go into each of their minds.

Stop. I command them. Each of them freeze, I feel their terror. Come back to me and no one gets hurt.

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