Chapter Fourteen: Saved By My Super Friends

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Shakira's POV

"Yes! Yes! You're doing it!" Nightmare exclaims as the plate shard continues to hover.

I make the plate shard float back to the ground and Nightmare picks it up.

"Marvellous!" He murmurs. "Now, imagine there's a wall around my mind, and you're breaking through."

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I might as well, if I have telekinesis powers, I have to believe him when he says I have telepathy.

I imagine a brick wall around his mind. Then I imagine myself as a wrecking ball, destroying his wall.

Suddenly thoughts are rammed into my mind.

Is she doing it? Has Shakira gotten into my mind yet? I guess I'll never know... I mean, it's not like I can feel it or anything. Now, I'll have to see if she can join my team! We'll rule earth together! No more saving the superless! They can protect themselves we'll rule!

I pull my wrecking ball out of his mind and stare at him, his thoughts no longer coursing through my mind.

"Were you able to?" Nightmare asks after another minute.

"Yes." I nod.

"Great! Now, I must ask you, would you like to become a superheroine and join my forces?" Nightmare asks.

"What are you forces for?" I ask, playing along, slowly forming a plan of escape in my head.

"To be heroes without having the current heroes in our way." Nightmare half lies.

I know he doesn't want to be a hero.

I instantly put my plan into action. I make the plate shard fly out of his hand and stab him in the stomach. Making the object moves comes so naturally.

As he's doubled over I make the bars of my cell break off, once again it being as easy as moving the plate shard.

I force my shock not to come.

I kick Nightmare over and he groans in pain. I run to the only natural light I see and push open a glass door.

I run out of the old jail! I keep running, running along the old toy factories warehouse wall on the outside.

I make it to the road and I stop there to look around. Nightmare hadn't followed me, probably calling for his minions to get me because he's in so much pain.

I look around again and like I expected some supers come out. Around ten, maybe a few more.

A lot of them look older, as in maybe late forties. The others look around my age.

Each of them have a different costume.

I take a stance and they take theirs. They don't know I have powers so I'm not going to show them.

Out of no where, Luminescent, Selcouth, Shock and Extreme land in front of me taking fighting stances against the others.

"Retreat! We can't be out like this!" One of the older people in the group of supers says. The group of bad supers turn and run, some fly, back towards the old jail. I don't exactly get the 'we can't be out like this' part, but at least they're gone.

"Luminescent!" I say, running over and jumping into his open arms. I kiss him and he lifts me off my feet, kissing back.

He slowly puts me down and we pull away from each other.

"How'd you guys find me?" I ask.

"I've been suspicious about this place for a while, people have been walking in and out." Extreme Power explains.

"What's the reason behind your name?" I blurt out at Extreme.

He smiles a bit. "Super strength."

That makes sense now...

"You want to go home?" Luminescent asks.

I nod.

Selcouth is staring between Luminescent and I, strange emotions in his eyes.

Luminescent scoops me up and I automatically scream.

"We are not flying!" I exclaim.

"How else are we going to get you home?" Luminescent smirks, flying up.

I scream the whole way up.

"Put me down!" I order.

"Fine." Luminescent says. He drops me, literally.

I scream as I plummet towards the ground. My hair flying all around me crazily.

I'm caught after a few seconds and I clutch onto whatever super it is.

"Don't torture the poor girl Luminescent." Shock says.

"She's not going to like you after that." Extreme chuckles.

I glare at Luminescent who smiles back at me.

Selcouth flies beside us and smiles sympathetically at me.

I glance at the ground and groan, rolling my head so that it's lodged in between Luminescents neck and shoulder.

I feel the impact of us landing and I breath in relief.

I'm set on the ground and I lay down on my driveway.

"I'm never leaving the ground again." I say, my cheek pressed up against the hot cement.

The four supers laugh. I turn on my back and stick my tongue out at them.

"Thanks for bringing me home and saving me." I say, standing up.

"It's what we do." Luminescent winks.

"What happened to you being a villain?" I ask him, eyebrow raised.

"Eh, that changed." Luminescent smiles.

"Well, see you boys around then?" I ask.

"Of course." Selcouth smiles.

"Bye." I wave as they fly off.

Dang, I have a lot of super friends.

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