Chapter Five: I Am Very Observant

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Shakira's POV

Waking up Wednesday morning really sucked. My body ached and the events of last night crash into my head like a tidal wave on the beach.

After taking a nice shower and putting on new clothes, I walk downstairs.

Calvin is eating breakfast and dad's already gone to work.

"How's school going?" Calvin asks as I pour myself cereal.

"Good." I nod. Calvin and I have a very close sibling bond so I instantly launch into telling him about last night. "You will not believe what happened last night!"

"What happened Shakira?" Calvin smiles.

"I was saved by Luminescent!" I squeal.

Calvin stares blankly. "Elaborate." He says narrowing his eyes.

"I was walking home from karate and all of a sudden these men with a gun come. They threatened me and all of a sudden Luminescent is there! He even took me back home!" I explain.

"No more walking to and from karate." Calvin says.

"Aw, come on!" I whine.

"Luminescent won't always be there to save you and any way, he's not exactly a hero any more." Calvin says.

"What...?" I ask.

"You see, he was reported setting fire to the bank last night. It's the second place he's struck. People are beginning to see him as a villain." Calvin says.

"Like I said to Jen, I think he's trying to send off a message." I reply to Calvin.

"You're too observant sometimes Shakira. Now get to school! You don't want to be late!" Calvin says.

I roll my eyes before grabbing my stuff and heading out.

The only reason Calvin still lives in the house is because of me. Dad's gone a lot and they always feel I need to be 'protected' so I'm usually stuck with one or the other in the house.

I pick up Jen and quickly go to school.

I jump out of the car and scan the parking lot for Troy, Quinn, Wesley and Jackson. I frown as I see none of them. I sulk my way into the school and to my locker.

Standing at my locker are all the boys.

I smile before almost running over.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim.

"Hey Shay." Troy smiles.

"We figured out we're in more classes with you." Wesley smirks.

"That's awesome!" I smile.

"We have to go for now though... Uh, here's our numbers." Quinn says handing me his number along with Troys and Wesley's.

"Thanks boys!" I smile waving them off.

"How well do you know them?" Jackson asks curiously.

"Not very well, I just met them Monday." I reply.

Jackson smiles a bit. "I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with me and my friends today at lunch."

"I'd love to." I smile.

"What subject do you have now?" Jackson asks.

"Chemistry." I say, scrunching my face up. Calvin and dad told me to take chemistry this year and I'm failing by far.

"Cool, I'm in chemistry too." Jackson says.

"Let's go now then." I beam. We walk together to chemistry.

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