Chapter Twenty: A Very Close Call

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Shakira's POV

I wake up drowsily. The memories of what happened flood back in my mind and I gasp, sitting straight up.

I'm still in my costume... My hands fly to my face to make sure the mask is still on. Sure enough it is.

I look around... I'm in the SCOPE headquarters.

"You're awake." Luminescent says.

"How are you feeling?" Selcouth asks.

"Good." I say, standing up.

"That was scary." Rock says.

"What happened?" I ask.

"It's all over the news! You took control over his body." Dynamite says.

"And then you passed out." Dream adds.

"It was quite scary... Promise you won't do that to me?" Power asks.

I laugh. "Of course not... But I'll still read your mind." I wink.

"That's not scary at all." Shock says sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm gonna go okay boys?" Luminescent says. "And girl." He adds.

"Where you going?" Selcouth asks.

"Shakiras. Her and Jen ditched school for movies today." Luminescent chuckles.

"You can't go there!" I exclaim.

"Why?" Luminescent asks, eyes narrowing.

"Because... Because what if the villains come back? I'm too weak to fight and the city needs you." I say.

I mentally face palm. Too weak to fight? Me? Please.

Luminescent raises a brow and it disappears behind the mask. "Oh?"

"Uh... Yeah." I say.

"Or are you Shakira? And that's why you don't want me to go?" Luminescent asks.

I snort. "I told you before, I'm not Shakira." I lie smoothly.

"Fine. I'm going to Shakira's then." Luminescent says.

"Fine." I hiss out. Hopefully Jen left... It'll seem like we both went somewhere.

"I'm going to go with Luminescent. See you guys later." Selcouth says.

They leave and I trust the supers here more.

"Guys, I have a secret. You have to promise to keep it a secret from Selcouth and Luminescent." I say to the boys.

"What's up Magic?" Power asks.

I remove my mask. "I am Shakira." I say.

Power and Shock look so surprised I want to laugh. "We saved the girl who didn't need saving." Shock says. I laugh.

"What do I do? They'll figure out I'm not home!" I exclaim putting the mask on again.

"Uh... Think you can fly back fast enough?" Power asks.

"I guess it's worth a shot." I shrug.

"Go, go, Shakira!" Rock says. I laugh before grabbing my board and going as fast as possible back home, taking the way I know Luminescent and Selcouth won't go.

I go into the house through my bedroom window and I start changing as fast as possible.

I hear people downstairs.

"Hey Jen, where's Shakira?" Luminescent asks.

I keep getting dressed, yanking on the pants I was wearing before.

"She's upstairs. Why?" Jen asks.

Once I look somewhat normal I take a few deep breaths and head downstairs.

"Hey!" I smile at Luminescent and Selcouth.

"Hey! Did you watch the fight on TV?" Selcouth asks with a smile.

"Yeah! It was crazy! Magic totally just went to this one dude and went ape shit at him and then she fainted!" I exclaim.

"Let's watch it again now! They're still playing it on the main news channel." Jen says. She turns up the volume on the TV.

They show me as Magic. I look damn right scary, my hair floating around me and my body itself levitating a little off the ground. I didn't know that happened.

"She's epic." Jen says.

"She's something." Selcouth nods.

"She reminds me of you Shakira." Luminescent says.

"Whys that?" I ask.

"You two sound the same, you two have the same hair and you two have the same personality." Luminescent says.

I laugh. "Please, Magic is completely different from me." I say.

I glance out the window to see Calvin coming home from his lecture. Jen sees too.

"I'm leaving. I have to go home. Catch you later Selcouth and Luminescent." Jen says. She walks outside and begins to talk to Calvin.

"I have to go to the supermarket. I'll catch you boys later?" I ask.

"Yes... To continue the conversation that is." Luminescent winks. I roll my eyes.

"See you Shakira." Selcouth says.

"Bye!" I wave as they walk out the door.

That was a close one.

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