Chapter Three: Four New People

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Shakira's POV

Ugh. Mondays. Worst days of the week.

But if you think about it, I almost feel bad for Monday. I mean, it's not like Monday wanted to be the day everyone went to school and work for the first time that week. It never got a choice.

Sometimes that's how I feel, that I never got a choice to go to school or not.

So, I'm a little sympathetic for Mondays. But not that much.

I pack my bag up before heading outside and to my car. I climb in and drive to Jennifer's house to pick her up.

Once outside of her house I honk the horn to notify her I'm here. Two minutes later she's out and hopping into my car.

"How's it going Shay?" Jen asks.

"Good, you?" I ask as I start the car.

"Good. Just not feeling like going to school." Jen sighs. I laugh and take my merry time driving to school. "So, did you hear about Luminescent? I think he's a villain, I mean, why else would he set fire to the ambulance station?"

"I think he wants to show us something." I say, tilting my head.

"Like what?" Jen asks.

"I'm not sure yet." I shrug before pulling into a parking spot and climbing out of the car.

I pull on my headphones and leave them around my neck. Jen and I walk into the school together.

I approach my locker to grab my stuff (Jen now gone to her own locker on the other side of the school) when someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Shakira, right?" The boy asks.

"Yeah. That's me." I nod.

"Well hey! I heard you played soccer... Just wondering if you'd like to come play with me and some friends at lunch today." He shrugs.

"Can I know your name first?" I ask.

"Troy." He smiles sheepishly. I take in what he looks like. Dirty blonde hair that's long-ish short-ish, and brown eyes. He's got a very angular face, but he's overall quite striking.

"I'd love to play soccer." I smile widely.

"Meet back here? At your locker?" Troy asks.

"Sounds good." I nod. And with that he's off.

I pull my English books out of my locker before heading to Visual Arts.

Class goes by faster than expected and in no time I'm in English. And once again, class speeds by.

I ate during class (me being a rebel) so that I could play soccer uninterrupted.

I quickly walk to my locker and neatly put everything in before grabbing my spare cleats.

Troy walks up and together we head out to the field. My adrenaline for the sport is already coursing through my veins.

I let my gaze roam around the boys all on the field. Clearly I'm the only girl. I shrug and quickly pull on my cleats before jogging over.

"Team captains are Troy and Jake!" Someone calls.

They stand away from the group.

Jake calls first. "Quinn."

Troy calls next. "Shakira."

I walk over and impatiently wait for the rest of the names to be called.

"Troy, why'd you pick the girl?" Asks a guy I recognize as Quinn.

I butt in. "Are you saying I'm a bad soccer player?" I ask.

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