Chapter Twenty Seven: It Finally Happened, My Super Unmasked

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Shakira's POV

I slowly walk up to the house Luminescent told me to go to. I knock on the door and wait patiently for it to open.

A lady opens it, she looks in her late forties, early fifties.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She asks.

"Yes... I'm Shakira Beckett... Luminescent told me to come here today." I say.

"That's odd, I don't know Luminescent. Come on in, I'll call Jackson down." She says.

I step in, tugging my 'oxygen helper' as I call it.

"Jackson! Shakira Beckett is here!" She yells up the stairs.

"Tell her to come up to my room!" Jackson yells back down.

"Go ahead. His room is the first door on the left." The lady says. I assume she's Jackson's mom.

I walk up, and haul my oxygen helper with me. I knock on his door.

"Come in." Jackson says.

I walk in and I'm surprised to see Luminescent and Selcouth Entity.

"Where's Jackson?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

"Shakira... We have to show you..." Selcouth trails off.

Slowly they both begin unmasking themselves.

Luminescent becomes Jackson.

Selcouth Entity becomes Troy.

I open my mouth in surprise.

"You two..." I trail off. I shake my head in rapid movements. "I'm dreaming, right?"

"No." Jackson-Luminescent says.

"We thought it'd be best to tell you now." Troy-Selcouth Entity says.

"I... I'm going to go home." I say, spinning around and running, using my powers to carry my oxygen helper behind me.

I hear Jackson and Troy calling me but as soon as I'm outside I hide in a bush. They both run outside, masks on and fly off, yelling my name.

After a while I walk home. I sit on my bed and think.

How? What? Why?

I don't understand...

Everything fits in place though. I mean, whenever the villains showed up at school, they were there.

I sigh and close my eyes.

I don't even know what to do with my life anymore.


Sorry it's so short!

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