Chapter Twenty Six: I Had To Get Stuff That Tickles My Nose

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Shakira's POV

Finally I'm allowed out of the hospital... On my eleventh day there that is.

I had slowly gained strength again, and now I'm feeling normal. Except for the odd time I have trouble breathing, I have to wear nubbins to help me breathe during the night. Jen brought me clothes; sweatpants and a tank top with runners.

I'm not allowed to play soccer for three weeks as well as no physical activity for me until I'm stronger. Including super duties.

But I've been surrounded by reporters and such. Asking me all sorts of questions and things, it's been getting overwhelming... And it's only my first day home!

My Facebook has filled with friend requests, my Twitter has blown up and my Instagram has gone way over my record of five thousand followers.

I blink. News articles are on me, I'm on the front page of some. I've become a celebrity in such a small amount of time.

I sigh and go to sleep for the time being, waiting for morning to deal with everything.


I wake up and I gasp seeing Luminescent in my room. I slowly take out the nubbins and turning off the air machine before glaring at him.

"Sorry... I came in early this morning and Calvin said you were still asleep. He asked me to check on you because he hadn't done so all night." Luminescent explains.

I nod. "Oh."

I slowly get up and stretch, ignoring the painful feeling it gives to my stitched up side.

I head downstairs and eat a quick breakfast.

"Wait... Shakira... One week today I want you to go to 127 Blenim Court after school." Luminescent says.

"Okay?" I says.

"Promise me you will? One week today?" Luminescent asks.

"I promise." I nod.

"I'll see you later then." Luminescent says, kissing my forehead. "Have a good time at your first day back."


First day back is dreadful. Jackson, Troy, Wesley and Quinn have been like my body guards all day. People have been asking for my autograph and everything and I'm just wanting to stay huddled in a corner.

I'm in the middle of my last class and I'm finding it hard to breathe. I start hyperventilating, this can't be happening.

The girl sitting beside me puts her hand up and the teacher calls on her.

"Sir... What's wrong with Shay?" She asks looking at me. I take a gasp for air, but even that doesn't want to go through properly.

"Everyone outside of the classroom." The teacher says and run over to me. "Shay, Shakira? You alright?"

Suddenly Luminescent barges in. "Shakira?" He asks.

I groan, I'm not getting enough air!

"I'll take her to the hospital sir." Luminescent says quickly picking me up and rushing me out.

I have trouble breathing so often... Seriously what's wrong with me?

I'm rushed in and hooked up to breathing tubes.

"Shakira, I think we're going to have to give you an oxygen tank... When you were hurt, your lungs were damaged, that's why breathing has been so hard." The doctor says.

A nurse walks in pulling one with her.

"We got this ready for you." She smiles sadly.

I slowly put it on and I can feel the oxygen. They go into a lengthy description of things and give me papers to take home to dad and Calvin.

I drag the oxygen tank behind me as I walk out, my nose tickling a bit from the nubbins. I walk out to the waiting room and I'm surprised to find the whole TSS team.

"Sorry boys." I sigh.

"Sorry for what?" Dynamite asks.

"For not being able to be a super for a while... I have this stupid thing I have to carry around." I say, motioning to the oxygen tank.

"You still look gorgeous." Selcouth winks.

I smile. "Thanks."

"Hey, it wasn't your fault, it was Nightmares, and we're going to get him back for you." Power promises.

"Yeah, we will destroy him." Shock nods.

"Thanks guys... Now does one of you have my board?" I ask. Suddenly Jen walks in.

"Girl, I thought you'd want this." Jen says, tossing me my board. I smile and let it float. I put the oxygen tank on it before sitting on the board cross legged.

"I don't even have to walk." I giggle.

"Not fair." Jen laughs. I pat the spot beside me and Jen sits. "This is so cool."

"Its fun isn't it. If I can't fly like them," I say jacking a finger at the boys, "I'll fly like this."

"Take me home Magic." Jen smiles.

"I'm not even supposed to be doing this." I point out to Jen.

"Since when has Shakira Beckett followed the rules?" Jen asks, eyebrows raised.

"Since never... C'mon boys." I smile, letting the board fly Jen and I out of the hospital.

"I'm going to fly you girls home, Luminescent's busy." Selcouth explains.

"How'd you get here Jen?" I ask.

"Parents dropped me off." Jen explains.

I nod. "Thanks for coming." I smile.

"No problem Shay." Jen smiles.

I wave off everyone before Selcouth flies along side us.

"This is so hard! I'm so used to standing while I fly!" I explain to Jen as we come up to her house.

"Well, now you learned how to sit. See you tomorrow at school?" Jen asks.

I nod. "See you tomorrow!"

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