Chapter Nine: Jen and Calvin Are What?

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Shakira's POV

It's been exactly two weeks since Luminescent appeared in my room.

I still haven't got the files yet, but I plan to today. I'm bored, that's the only reason.

It's a Saturday where all my friends are busy. I sigh and pull on a coat. Soccer season had ended, and I've been so bored. I play inside sometimes, but dad always ends up yelling at me for knocking something down.

I hate winter.

I park in the city hall parking lot and make my way into the building. I walk up to the desk.

"Hello, I'm here to pick up some files on supers." I lie smoothly. "Could you direct me to the room?" I ask.

"Right this way miss." Says the lady. She walks out and starts going up stairs. I follow.

We go to the third floor and stop in front of a room.

"Who sent you?" The woman asks.

"Mayor Grant." I lie again.

She nods and let's me in before walking away.

I walk into the room and find the filing cabinet labeled S - u. I search for the SUPERS file.

I find it quite easily and I carry it out.

I walk past the desk woman and straight to my car.

Now I have to contact Luminescent. I sit in my car and ponder over how to get into contact with him.

I sigh and drive home. I lie in bed staring at my ceiling for a while before opening the file.

It's recorded all the superheroes and super villains.

Starting all the way back in 1864.

There's a huge stamp that's red on all the supers files that have passed away.

Slowly I get into supers that are still alive.

Then the first card.

It has a picture of no other than Luminescent. Along with all the information they have on him.

Name: Luminescent

Class: Unknown

Powers: Flying and cold fire, the rest of his powers are unknown.

Secret Identity?: Unknown

Love Interest In Costume: Soon to be discovered...


*This Card Can Be Updated At Any Given Time*

I sort of am surprised that they can print out an update of the card at any moment.

What does it mean that his love interest will soon be discovered? Are they going to interview him and ask or something?

I decide to go get the newspaper that Clavin had brought in this morning but not bothered to read.

I gasp as I see a picture of me, Luminescent and Selcouth Entity at the soccer fields. The night Luminescent messed up my goal.

I instantly go to reading it.

Here we see Shakira Beckett having a conversation with Luminescent. A few girls that were on the opposing team snapped this picture. Apparently Luminescent ruined Shakira's breakaway, he distracted her and her ball hit the crossbar. They say she did end up getting a goal after, but when the game finished she marched up to Luminescent and started yelling at him. We all praise Shakira for being so brave. But here we also see Selcouth Entity standing by Shakira. A few girls say he walked Shakira home after the game too. Has Selcouth taken a liking to the New Yorker Shakira Beckett? Or was he simply just making sure Luminescent doesn't come to hurt Shakira for giving him a piece of her mind.

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