Chapter Thirteen: We Will Find You Shakira

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Luminescent's POV

I fly into the cafeteria with Selcouth Entity and two other minor supers who decide to show up, Extreme Power and Fierce Shock. Why in the world did they come? I'm going to go through their files now...

Shakira is dodging millions of arrows.

Arrow after arrow she dodges.

She's amazing! But I'm going to intervene soon, I don't want her getting hurt.

But then the arrows stop and Nightmare puts his crossbow down.

"No more games. Boys, take her." Nightmare says.

A huge piece of fabric is thrown over Shakira and three people dressed as supers take the corners and flip it so Shakira is sitting in it. She screams my name and I'm ready to attack. One of them quickly gathers the corners and flies holding Shakira.

I strike him down with a blast of fire. Shakira falls, but Selcouth and I are already fighting off the three supers.

I see Shakira's brown hair move somewhere and I look over to see she has knocked out one of the three supers with a pan.

That's my girl.

Selcouth and I continue to fight the other two until they fly away.

I look around for Shakira but panic starts to rise as I find that she's not there.

"Selcouth Entity! Luminescent! Shay was kidnapped by Nightmare!" Someone exclaims.

The four of us supers look at each other.

"Thanks." I call into the crowd of students before flying out with the three behind me.

"Not sure why you two decided to come now, but we have to track down where Shakira is." I say.

"Do you two have any idea of where Nightmare could be?" Selcouth asks.

"Possibly one of the old warehouses." Shock suggests.

"I've seen a few people enter the old abandoned toy factory with the jail behind it." Extreme says.

It sort of clicks that the old warehouse is where Nightmare took Shakira.

"Okay then boys, let's go." I say.

Together we fly off to find Shakira.

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