Chapter Eight: Luminescent Wants Me To Steal

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Shakira's POV

The weekend was boring. I did nothing. There were no soccer games and there were no encounters with supers.

When Monday morning rolls around I groan getting up. Wretched Mondays.

I do my morning routine really lazily. I eat a quick breakfast and leave for school.

Jen is in the same lazy mood when I pick her up. I drive to school slower than usual and force myself into school.

We go to our lockers and our classes silently. We hadn't even said a word to each other.

Finally lunch rolls around and my hunger pains intensify. I had barely ate anything for breakfast, resulting my hunger.

I buy a huge lunch from the cafeteria ladies. Surprisingly they made tacos that tasted okay.

I rub my eyes and yawn before hearing people approaching.

Jen, Wesley, Troy, Jackson and Quinn all sit down. Jen still in the same mood.

"You look tired." Troy observes.

"Thanks Captain Obvious." I mutter, yawning again.

"Are you on your time of the month?" Quinn asks.

I let out a small laugh. "No."

"Why are you so blah today then?" Wesley asks.

"I don't know. Maybe because it's Monday." I say, taking another bite of the taco.

"I know what would cheer you up." Quinn says.

"Oh?" I ask.

"Looking forward to going clubbing tonight." Quinn smirks.

I smile at that. "That would cheer me up. But I'm sixteen, meaning grade eleven. I can't get into a club. And all of you are the same."

"Well, I'm grade twelve..." Jackson shrugs.

"Same here." Troy says.

"Us too." Wesley says gesturing to him and Quinn.

I roll my eyes. "Same diff." I say.

"Anyway, I know a guy... He'll get us in." Quinn winks.

"I'm in." I smile. "Jen?"

"Totally." She smiles.


Turns out Quinn is the owner of the clubs nephew. We get in easily.

Jen and I had both changed. Me wearing ripped skinny jeans and a crop top. Paired with black pumps. I had layered makeup for the fun of it and I had done some crazy shit to my hair.

I walk straight to the dance floor and start dancing with some random dude. The dude doesn't mind. We dance for the song before I leave and find my friends at the bar.

"Who were you dancing with?" Jen asks.

"No damn clue." I reply, hopping onto a bar stool beside Troy.

I order a shot and gulp it down. Then two more.

I shiver in delight as the alcohol begins to take it's toll on my body.

I have only drank once before. Not beer, no, I hate beer. I drank wine. And it was amazing!

Jen is giving me a look. "No more shots." She warns.

"Dance with me Wesley!" I say grabbing his arm a towing him to the dance floor.

I get downright dirty with him, I'm probably almost drunk so whatever. Wesley at first seems weirded out, now, he's eased into it a little. I hope he knows I'm not doing this in more than a friend way. Does that even make sense?

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