Chapter Six: No More Saving For Today

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Selcouth Entity POV

I hear the screaming loud and clear. It is coming from the edge of New York.

I fly over as fast as possible and end up coming to Shakiras house. She's heading towards her house so I land and clear my throat.

"Hello. You are...?" I ask. I ask her name, or she'll be suspicious of how I know her.

"Shakira." She replies.

"Hello Shakira. I heard screaming around here and I was just wondering if you knew where from." I say.

"Oh that was me." Shakira blushes. Her cheeks are a cherry red.

"And why were you screaming like you were about to die?" I ask. Fighting the urge to go kill whoever made her scream.

"Luminescent took me home... And I'm afraid of heights... And he flied me home." Shakira says, looking at the ground.

"Luminescent? He's bad. Shakira, please, at all costs, stay safe. Luminescent is dangerous." I warn. I can feel a hint of worry in me. Luminescent isn't exactly a hero.

"It's alright. He didn't hurt me, just scared me." Shakira replies.

"But do stay safe. Okay?" I ask.

"Okay." She nods.

"Farewell Shakira. Until next time." I say before flying away.

I hear the slamming of her door and I continue towards New Yorks centre.

I sit around for a while, bored. No one needs saving right now. So I fly home and through the window so my parents won't notice. I slip my costume off and fall into bed.

Any other saving tonight can be for the other heroes. I'm pretty sure I'd get killed if I did anything now because I'm so tired.

And within seconds, I'm asleep.

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