Chapter Nineteen: Factory Attack Makes Me Faint

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Shakira's POV

I wake up to someone playing music really loudly in the basement.

I change quickly and walk downstairs. Calvin is watching a lyric video on TV for Try by Colbie Caillat. I love this song.

Absentmindedly I start pretending I'm dancing with a boy and spinning in circles. I ignore the door and I keep spinning with my eyes closed... If only there really was a boy here.

Suddenly warm arms take place of the emptiness. I open my eyes and they widen at Luminescent.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Came to take my girlfriend to school, what else?" Luminescent smiles.

I smile and dance with him in my living room for the rest of the song.

"You two are adorable!" Comes Jens voice at the end of the song.

"Jen? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Do you know that we're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up? I walked over here so I could tell you to hurry your ass up." Jen says.

"Shit. Sorry Jen." I swear.

"Ah, it's alright, we can ditch school today." Jen shrugs.

I smirk. "And what do we do first?"

"Movie marathon today?" Jen asks with a smile opening her back pack to reveal movies instead of books.

"You go girl!" I say hi-fiving her.

We turn on the TV and the news is on. It's explaining a bunch of villains going into a factory, an active factory, and trying to steal stuff. Right now.

"I've got to go." Luminescent says.

"You go stop them bastard stalker." I say.

"I will cute victim." Luminescent winks before running out the door.

"Jen, I have to go to." I whisper after a few moments.

"What do you mean?" Jen asks.

"Come upstairs." I say. We walk into my room and I start to put on my costume.

"You're Enchanting Magic?!" Jen asks surprised.

"Yes. Promise me you won't tell anyone." I say.

"I promise." Jen says. "Now go kick some villain ass."

"I will. Stay tuned to the news and hopefully you'll see me on it. See you later." I say grabbing my surfboard and running outside. I jump onto the board and I'm off.

I spot the factory. Only because there's tons of camera crews and news reporters around. I spot Selcouth, Luminescent, Power and Shock.

I fly over and sit on my board as it floats.

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"That board is sweet. How are you lifting it?" Power asks.

"I asked for the plan." I say harshly.

"We're going to leave Selcouth and Power outside. They'll watch. We'll go inside and search for them. And you... Uh..." Shock says.

"I'm going with you and Luminescent." I say.

"Okay! Okay!" Shock says.

"Let's go." Luminescent says. I stand up and fly down with them and into the building. I slow down and decide to help people evacuate. I send then out and they follow me without question.

Once I'm sure everyone's out I go back in. Luminescent and Shock are looking for them somewhere so we're completely split up.

I find myself in a huge room. Machines covered in plastic like material, hiding them to the outside eye.

Nothing seems too out of place here.

Turns out I spoke too soon. A few of Nightmares other supers come out of a door and move to one of the machines. They're about to take the plastic off so using my powers I keep the plastic stiff and unmovable.

"It's not coming off." One of them huff.

I reach out into Luminescents and Shocks mind. They are coming closer to the area so I use the mind powers to talk to them.

This is Enchanting Magic. Keep going straight, they're in the big room with me. I say to their minds.

Soon the are in the room too. They fly over to me quietly and unseen as the villains keep trying with the plastic sheet.

"How should we get them?" Shock whispers.

I smirk as the villains pull on the plastic. I point at the villains for Shock and Luminescent to watch. I let the other end of the plastic raise and I work on wrapping the plastic cover around them, revealing what they were trying to steal.

Flying cars.

But not normal cars.

Battle cars.

Luminescent hi-fives me and we go down to them as they struggle in the plastic.

But then one of them gets smart. Using a sword he rips the plastic. I groan. I make more plastic sheets fly off of other machines and wrap them up until they can't move.

"What do you want to do with them now?" I ask, I watch swords start to poke through the plastic.

"Get them outside as fast as possible." Luminescent replies. I nod and do my best to lift all of them and make them and the plastic fly with me.

I strain using a lot of my energy to make it out and drop them on the pavement. I feel faint and can't concentrate on my surfboard. I fall from my surfboard, my surfboard falling beside me. For the first time while being a super I'm scared. But I don't have the energy to scream.

Warm arms catch me. "Woah! Too much strain on your powers there." Luminescent says. He catches my board as well and sets us on the ground.

"Thanks." I say weakly.

"No problem." Luminescent smiles. He flies off to where the villains had ripped through the plastic. And so the supers start their fight.

I watch and once I've gained back some strength I join them.

I stay on my board and use my powers to make stray metal and rocks as my weapons, every once and a while shooting an arrow at a supers hand or foot so I don't kill them.

Soon the villains surrender. And I'm feeling sick from using my powers too much. I land on the ground before I can fall again.

"MAGIC WATCH OUT!" People start screaming, including some good supers. I turn around and scream at the sword flying my way. I use my powers and stop the sword just before it touches me.

I look at the thrower. I glare at him and I feel adrenaline light up in my body like a fire.

I go into his mind and take over completely. I force all his memories to me and all the reasons he chose to be a villain. Everything is mine.

Everyone around me is silent.

I don't pull out of his mind and I make him walk forward. I make him pick up his sword. I make him cut his arm, he screams as he does.

"I can take over your body. Don't mess with me." I all but growl before letting his mind go.

Him and the other villains run before my world does black.

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