Chapter Seven: Luminescents Stupidity Ruins My Goal

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Shakira's POV

School went by much to slowly today. I think it was because my excitement for the game.

As soon as I got home at three thirty four, I was making dinner.

I ate it faster than normal and left it out for Calvin and dad.

I had gotten ready for soccer after that, in my jersey and soccer shorts.

Now I'm just passing the time and eating pretzels with plain Lays potato chips.


I scroll through my phone at new posts.

Can you believe SE has his own Facebook page!? And no one, not even the FBI (yeah, they've tried) can track the device he uses down.

It's strange, but wicked awesome.

Naturally, I stalk his account for updates. But there's nothing new, so I turn on some music while going to do my homework.

It's six twenty five and I decide to leave for the field. Everyone usually shows up half an hour early for warm up.

I walk there and meet up with Jen and some others.

Coach Henson arrives at the field at exactly six thirty.

I feel my adrenaline building up fast as we practice and the opposing team slowly arrives.

"Shay you seem rather excited today." Jen smiles.

"I'm always excited for a good soccer game." I smile back.

As the time creeps closer to seven, Coach gives us a plan.

The team we're playing against is small. But that doesn't mean they aren't smart. We have to be smarter and faster than them. Clearly they'll be fast and agile.

We all take our positions while the other team takes theirs. The referee blows the whistle and game on.


First half. Two to one for us.

I haven't subbed off yet, and I think coach plans on keeping me on. So I drink half my water bottle.

"They're better than we anticipated." Mary, who had just scored the second goal before first half was over, pants.

"I know right!" Another girl exclaims.

"Look, Shakira, I want you forward. I want you to score as many goals as you can. Play hard." Coach says.

"That's our plan?" Jen asks.

"Yes." Coach Henson says stiffly before sending us back on the field.

The other team starts with the ball and they get it down to our goalie. They take a shot... And score. The ball is reset and we take it up.

We make a setup and I shoot a bullet the goalie had no chance in saving.

We reset everything.

I score goal after goal. And they score goal after goal. It's five to six for them. There's only a few minutes left.

"Mid fields, stay back, we need a strong defence." I say.

They nod and as the other team starts taking the ball up, one of the mid fields boots it to me.

I have a breakaway right to the net. I look up and behind the net I see Luminescent.

I shoot and my ball hits the crossbar. That stupid super just distracted me. In fury, somehow I get the ball again and I kick it hard.

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