Chapter Twelve: I Am Not A Super

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Shakira's POV

I wake up in my bed. Strange, I could have sworn I fell asleep on the couch... With Luminescent.

Oh my God.

I sit bolt upright and scramble downstairs, glancing at the clock. Thank The Lord it's Saturday or I'd be skipping school, it's 11:06. How did I sleep in so much? I never sleep in!

"Wow, you're awake." Calvin says, he's sitting on a chair eating cereal.

"How was your date with Jen?" I ask.

"It was awesome. And how was your night with Luminescent?" Calvin asks

"How do you...?" I trail off.

"Jen and I were heading back here because she said she wanted to talk to you about some soccer stuff before going home. We came in and you and Luminescent had crashed on the couch while watching some movie. Jen woke Luminescent up and he took you to your room and then he left." Calvin explains.

"Oh." Wow, genius response me.

"So you like him?"



"Uh... Sort of... I don't know. I guess. I really like him." I shrug.

"Go talk to Jen, it's a girl thing to talk about." Calvin says shooing me off while handing me a piece of toast.

I eat the toast quickly before changing into new clothes and heading to Jens house.

I walk in and straight to her room. I barge in and collapse on her bed.

"Explain everything that happened between you and Luminescent." Jen says, she's sitting at her desk on the computer.

I replay the night for her through words and she nods every once and a while. When I finish she launches into talking.

"Well obviously you two like each other! But it's going to be freaking crazy figuring out his identity." Then she starts blabbing on about how he and I should have some romantic date and crap.

I sort of drift off in thought.

"SHAKIRA!" Jen snaps, getting my attention.

"What? Sorry, what?" I ask.

"Never mind. Hey, want to have a movie marathon?"

"Sounds good!"


The weekend flies by and soon I'm back in school.

I walk to the lunch room and sit with Jackson, Troy, Wesley and Quinn.

"Hey guys." I smile sitting down.

"Wassup girl?" Wesley asks.

"Not much. Just a boring old school day." I sigh.

"We can always go clubbing again." Quinn winks.

I laugh.

A loud crash echoes throughout the lunch room and I scream as glass shatters all around my table.

Nightmare flies in through the broken window and looks at me.

"Hello Shakira, you ready to come with me?" Nightmare asks, grabbing my arms and yanking me up into his hold. I scream and struggle out of his grip.

I know karate. Right? I can beat him up. I don't need help from superheroes all the time.

I make myself go limp and I slip from his arms, hitting the table painfully. I hear him bend down over me and I kick up hard.

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