Chapter Eleven: A Crappy Day With A Brilliant Ending

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Shakira's POV

And here is Single Awareness Day. I wake up feeling shitty. I pull myself out of bed and do everything I normally do.

A migraine decides to joy me with it's presence today. See my sarcasm?

The school day is cold and boring and a bunch of people still come up to me asking if I'm okay. And I get more Valentines cards than usual, a lot saying 'hope you get better soon.'

I walk to my locker to grab stuff for the next two periods. I find a piece of paper.

Dear Shakira,

Meet me at the back entrance of the school after school.

~ Luminescent

I blink. I might as well.

Next two periods are boring and slow. Finally the last bell rings.

I walk to my locker, grab my homework and Valentine cards and head to the back entrance.

I see plenty of couples making out in the hallway. I fake gag as I pass each of them.

I push the doors open and Luminescent is leaning against a wall there.

"What'd'ya want?" I ask.

"Harsh enough tone? I just wanted to ask if you had a good Valentines day." Luminescent says.

"You mean Single Awareness Day?" I ask.

"You don't have a boyfriend?" Luminescent asks.

"No." I reply.

"Woah, there's a lot of boys missing out." Luminescent says.

I laugh. "I'm going to be single for life Luminescent, no one likes me."

"Oh really?"


I realize then how close we are. He had taken a few steps closer. Our noses are only a few inches apart.

"Then you must not know that you're a beautiful and talented girl. You have an amazing personality and you have cute habits. You're so amazing. Even blind people would be able to see that." Luminescent says, finishing a little speech.

I look into his eyes. Their colour not clear because of his mask.

We both lean in before suddenly we're kissing. My eyes automatically close. The plastic from the nose on his mask brushing my skin and my nose on his bare cheek. His lips are warm and they send a tingly feeling throughout me. His tongue slides into my mouth and I let him take control of the kiss. Although, I do tangle my hands in his hair and Luminescents hands stay on my face.

Soon he pulls away. I keep my eyes closed as I breathe a little heavier than normal.

Luminescents hands don't leave my face and mine don't leave from around his neck.

I slowly open my eyes to see Luminescent staring back at me. We let go of each other and he gives a small smile before flying away.

I walk to my car and shake my head...

What will Jen say when I tell her?

Jen skips into the car and smiles.

"How was your day?" Jen asks happily.

"Interesting." I reply as I pull out of the parking lot.

"What do you mean?" Jen asks.

"Luminescent may or may not have kissed me."

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