Chapter Fifteen: Becoming A Superheroine Once and For All

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The picture on the side is Shakira in her costume! BTW I drew that picture... Hope you like it!


Shakira's POV

I sit in bed and just think.

I should practice my powers.

I should practice them and make a costume and be a superheroine!

I can work on my fighting skills, and train my mind properly with my telepathy and telekinesis skills.

That's exactly what I'll do.

That's exactly what I'll do...


I signed up for the most extreme karate class, dropping out of my old one.

I've been practicing going into Calvin's mind and dad's mind.

I've been lifting things up in my room and seeing how well I can move each item depending on it's mass.

And I've been designing costumes and thinking of names.

It's been two months. Schools almost over and I want to make my first appearance before school ends.

May means getting ready for finals though... June is the rush of studying for finals. I don't know if I'll be able to do it.

It's another one of those Saturdays where all my friends are doing stuff and I'm alone. So I use the time to think up a costume.

After a few hours I design the perfect one.

It's main colour is a turquoise teal colour. The gloves, the boots and the designs are black.

The boots are thigh high and the gloves go up past my elbow. It's a full bodice and it goes up my neck as well. The mask covers my eyes and comes down on the sides.

My eyes are like Spider-Man eyes. They're that sort of fabric and somewhat like that shape.

I grab my car keys and lots of money before driving to the biggest fabric shop.

Plenty of orderly ladies are buying material there.

I go and search for the stuff I need.

I find the perfect plasticky fabric for the black stripes and the turquoise teal colour. I also find perfectly transparent white material, but unless right up close to it, you can't see through it.

I smile in triumph.

I buy the whole roles of the turquoise teal and black materials and a big piece of the white material, I cover my face with my hoodie as I pay for the stuff. You know, a precaution in case the person remembers my face when she realizes the new super is wearing the materials that were bought not to long ago.

I drive to my grandmas house which is deep within New York, she lives in a small apartment all alone.

I visit her every once and a while to check up on her,and truthfully, I can probably trust her more than anyone.

I walk into her apartment to find her making cookies in the kitchen.

"Hi grandma!" I smile.

"Hello Shay! What a nice surprise! What brings you here?" Grandma asks.

"I was wondering if you could make me something..." I trail off, showing her my drawing of the costume I want.

"I can make that. It'll take me about a week, but I can make it." Grandma says.

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