Chapter One- Meeting The Bullies

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{Marzia's POV}

Hi, my name is Marzia Bisognin. I used to live in Italy, but I moved to the United Kingdom. I'm going to attend a school called Bludal Highschool (A/N: idk if it's actually a school I made it up).

A few weeks while I was still in Italy, I started practicing English American. I don't want to speak British. I started practicing because I don't want to speak Italian and would have to go to one of those speaking classes, because that would be embarrassing!!

I just hope that the students are nice, because my fear is getting bullied because first, I'm new, second, I'm from Italy and lastly, I have an accent when I speak English. I've gotten pretty good though. Practice does make perfect.

So, I'm in my house that my family bought (A/N: Well no dip Sherlock) and we're all busy unpacking. I have to start school tomorrow, and just thinking about it makes my stomach fill up with butterflies. I'm scared that I will freak out and start speaking Italian. I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow.

~le time skip to next morning~

I had a terrible time sleeping last night, and I'm still freaking out. I got ready, putting on a light pink shirt with dark blue jeans that have tiny sparkles in them, white ballet flats and a light blue fabric head band. I straightened my hair and wore it down. Along with my outfit, I put on makeup. I thought I looked pretty decent.

I went down stairs and attempted to eat breakfast, but I couldn't because I was nervous. I skipped breakfast, told my mom and dad goodbye and went to the bus stop and waited for the bus. I looked down at my shoes for a while, until I heard some people talking. I looked up to see who it was and it looked like some teen boys. I'm on my 3rd year of high school and I'm almost a senior (I'm a junior). They came to the bus stop and waited too, I'm guessing they attended the same school.

"Hey," one out of the 7 said. "Who are you?"

I'm extremely shy, so I looked back down and whispered "Marzia."

"What was that?" Another one said louder.

"Marzia." I spoke loud enough so that they could hear.

"Well 'Marzia'," another said pronouncing my name differently... And kind of rudely

"Where are you from?"


"Oh look, it's a transfer student!" The group started smirking.

"I'm not a transfer student!" I spoke up. They all looked at me weirdly as if I had just spoke to the whole word. But that didn't stop them.

"Then what are you?" The same guy said asked and got closer to me.

"I moved from Italy. I'm not a transfer student."

He got closer or my face. "And you want to be smart about it?"

I looked down. "No..." I whispered.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!?" He yelled.

"I said no." I spoke.

"That's what I thought." He said and turned towards the group and they started whispering, but I couldn't hear them, nor did I want to.

I started thinking about how none of the boys spoke British. I thought almost everyone here spoke British. I guess they're those people who don't. Most people probably speak British at Bludal though.

Soon the bus came and the group pushed past me to get in the front. I didn't care. I really don't want to get on first.

Once I got on, I looked for an empty seat and found one. I hope this isn't somebody else's seat...

So what did you guys think of the first chapter? If you liked it, please like that star 🌟 and leave a comment about your opinion!! It's okay if you didn't like it. It's only getting started, and everyone's entitled to their own opinion :) Thanks, and more chapters will come soon. Peace!! ✌️ ~Liv_Laugh_Lolz

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