Chapter 14- We Recked Everything... I Think

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I was wondering, what chapter should I go to until I stop and make a sequel?

~Felix's POV~

I opened the door and saw freaking Team Crafted. OF COURSE. Who else would it be, Santa? (A/N: no, Clemey Cloo)

"How the hell did you find my house?" I asked angrily.

"Watch your tone," Adam growled. "We asked the secretary. Easy," he smirked.

Marzia stepped up. "First that's creepy, second, how about you watch your tone?!" She's probably had enough with them, and so have I.

I took a leap of faith, and punched Ian in the face. "That's what you get for beating up my girlfriend I growled.

"Oh, so your 'girlfriend' lied to us and said she wasn't dating anyone?" Ian questioned.

Marzia looked down.

I lost it again, speaking in Swedish, because I can.

"Vad fan i en anka ?! Lämna oss ifred, annars kommer jag att kalla athorities du kryper!" (T: what the f*ck in a duck?! Leave us alone, or else I will call the athorities you creeps!)

I knew they didn't understood what I said, but I sounded stupid.

"English please, Swedish freak," Quentin argued.

"YOU KNOW WHAT F*CK THIS!!" Mitch screamed. "I'm tired of bulling innocent people. I'm leaving," he stoned away. (I meant stomped away xD but I'll keep it that way for your entertainment :P)

Jerome nodded. "Me too,"

"Yeah," said Ty.

"It's gone on too long," Jason shook his head.

Adam, Ian and Quentin watched as they all walked away back to their house.

"Might as well attempt to apologize to them," Marzia mumbled.

The rest of them walked off and I closed the door and took a deep breath.

"Well then..."


I KNOW ITS SHORT PLESE DUN HURT MEH!! >.< I know I haven't been updating in a while, and it's because of school :/

I consider Wattpad one of my many "jobs" and it's sad to see it almost turn into a hobby :'(

So just a reminder that I won't be updating AS OFTEN as I usually did. But anyways, if you enjoyed this (very short) chapter, leave a like and/or comment. A follow would be cool too :)

See you guys later!! Peace!


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