Chapter 15- Where's The 'Team' In Team Crafted?

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Another short chapter, I'm sorry

:( You'll get why at the end of the chapter.

~Mitch's POV~

Jerome and I stomped home (A/N: #merome for dayzz lolz). They just can't do that to an innocent girl.

"Hey guys, wait up!" Jason called out. He and Ty ran towards us.

"What do you guys want?!" I snapped at them.

"Hey, we're with you guys," Ty put his arms on defense. "We didn't enjoy bulling them either. It's wrong," he told.

We all walked home. Once we finally reached our destination, I ran up to my room. We all did, pretty much, except for Ty, who stopped for pudding.

I slammed my door, almost in sync with Jerome and Jason's. Ty was still getting pudding.

I flopped on my bed and started crying into the pillow.

I'm a monster.

~Jason's POV~

I slammed my door, like the rest of the guys did, and locked it. I logged onto my Skype and called Martin (Bodil :3). Thank god he picked up.

"Hey Jason!" He greeted.

I weakly smiled. "Hi,"

He frowned. "What's wrong? You seem upset,"

"Well, to tell you the truth, Team Crafted... Isn't really a team anymore..."

IM SORRY. I wanted the chapter to end there, because it sounded cool and mysterious xD I'm so weird :P Anyways, more chapters comin out, and you know all the procedures lol. Thanks!


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