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Before I get started, could you guys check and make sure that the rest of the book has spaces between its paragraphs? Idk if Wattpad is glitching or not :| Thanks!

Marzia and Felix were packing up their stuff. Felix walked into the room.

"Well," he smiled. "We're finally moving!" He planted a kiss on Marzia's cheek.

"I'm excited... But, what if-"

"They won't find out," Felix interrupted her. "Promise."

They both smiled and walked out the room laughing and talking.

Although what they didn't know that someone would come into play sooner or later.

And mess everything up.
I can't write good books to save my life :| But either you liked the book, or you didn't.

To be honest, I'm not that impressed about it... I don't know, it just irks me.

But I'm glad that a lot of people enjoyed it, and you don't know how much that means to me, so once again thanks :)

I can't believe we got to 3k reads, and that is a huge millstone :O

Sequel... Not too sure about it yet. I guess you could say I'm still thinking about it...


How It All Began... Sort Of - (A CutiePieMarzia Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now