Chapter 13- I'm Not Even Gonna Try A Title For This... Just... No

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God it feels like it's been 20 chapters xD

~Melanie's POV~

Nobody suspects a thing >:3

After school I met up with Kalel for a stupid project we had to do for language arts. God I hate school (A/N: who doesn't?).

We walked to my house and me and my best friend went up to my room.

"I don't know why we have to pair up and do this paper with 30 something questions on it," I mumbled.

Even though she is my best friend, it's not too many problems and I don't know why we couldn't do it in class.

"The teacher is looney," she giggled and I joined her.

"Hold on," she walked towards the door and looked out into the hallway to check if anyone was there and shut it back.

I laughed. "What are you doing?"

She turned towards me. "Look, Marzia told me to not tell you this, but you both are my best friends, and I can't resist. Promise you won't tell?" She explained.

"Yeah, but what is it?"

She turned towards me. "So... Felix and Marzia... They're a thing..." She mumbled.

I gasped. "WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Shush! Again, don't tell anyone," she reminded me.

"Okay, okay!... But you have to admit they're cute together!" I giggled.

"I know right?" We both laughed.

~le time skip to after boring school projects because no one likes homework~

"Okay, so I'll text you later," I told Kalel as she grabbed her things and headed out the door.

"Ok, see ya!" She called as she walked out.

~Another time skip because idk what to write next...~

~Marzia's POV~

I texted Kalel because the next day we would have to go back to the Team Crafted house... Great...

Marzia: regular ; Kalel: italics

Hey! :-)

Hi :D

You know we have to go work on our projects with Ty and Jason tomorrow... Right? :/

Yes, I know... I mean they're not all that bad, it's just when the rest of them come, it's like BS

Yeah, but I wanted to ask you something

Sure, what is it?

Did you tell anybody about me and Felix?

Don't be mad, but I told Melanie... She won't tell anyone, she's my BFF

Okay, I trust you :)

Lol thanks x3

Anyways, I gotta go over to Felix's house because we're going to make a video for his YouTube channel

Okay, but don't have too much fun ;)

Shut up lol :P

Well bye


(Texting over)

I put my phone in a little purse I had with me and walked to Felix's house.


~Felix's POV~

A/N: I feel like this chapter is really bland... Meep :/

I heard a knock on the door and suspected it was Marzia. I opened it up and not surprising at all, it was her.

"Hi," she smiled.

"Hi! Come on in!" I greeted.

She stepped inside my house and I lead her to my room where I record.

"So, what game do you want to play?" I pulled up my games that I had purchased on Steam and let her choose.

"You have a lot of games," she said astonished.

"I want more," I laughed.

After a few minutes she picked out the game 'Amnesia'.

I raised one of my eyebrows and looked at her with an 'are you sure you want that one?' look.

"Sure you want that one? It's a pretty scary horror game," I explained.

She grinned. "I wanna do it,"

I laughed again. "Okay, if you say so,"


After 10 minutes of Marzia getting used to it and playing a jump scare came and she jumped out of the seat.

We both started laughing our heads off.

"That... Was... Amazing," I said in between laughs.

"I was so scared. How do you know when the monster is coming?" She asked.

"You don't. It just does randomly," (A/N: don't quote me on that) I explained.

She nodded.

~Another le time skip because it's 12 at night where I am and I'm bored~

We were still playing video games, until we heard a knock at the door.

"Who the (A/N: yolo) hell could that be?" I mumbled to myself.

Me and Marzia walked downstairs and I opened the door and saw




So ya, it's 12:30 at night and in tired, so let's make this quick:

Leave a vote, and a comment and possibly a follow if yer generous :)

I know I haven't been updating lately, and it's because of school, and I'm really trying what I can do. I would like to sleep now, so I'll see you all in the next chapter and see ye all later!



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