Chapter Ten- Never Go To Starbucks When You're Bored...

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~le time skip to later that day~

~Felix's POV~

Me and the rest of the guys from our group decided we'd have a guys night out tonight... By 'guys night out' we mean we're going to Toby's house and playing truth or dare for an hour. That's what real men do, obviously.

I walked to Toby's house, since it isn't too far from my house. Once I got there I knocked on the door. Toby answered.

"Well, hello there Felix!" He exclaimed in his usual happy mood.

I laughed. "Hi!"

"Come on in!" I walked inside and he shut the door behind me.

Joven, Matt S, David L, Ian and Anthony were all ready here.

"Okay, since were all here, let's start!" Toby declared.

"Ya! Because this is what real men do!" Shouted Ian.

"Ya!" We all shouted back.

"Okay, who's first?" Asked Joven.

~Marzia's POV~

(Oh? You thought you'd see the dares and truths? Well, I got nothing, so PLOT TWIST I guess)

I had nothing to do tonight, so I texted Kalel.

(Italics- Kalel, regular- Marzia)



I'm so bored 😒

Me too 😕

What you wanna do?


Sure! I'll meet you there at 7?

Sounds good. See ya there!

(Texting over)

I combed my hair since I didn't want to get super fancy (it's only Starbucks) and by the time I got there it was 7. I texted Kalel.

'Where are you?' I texted.

"Right behind you," I turned and Kalel was there laughing.

"Hi," I giggled.

We got our coffee and sat down at a table. We talked about random stuff since we were bored, but then Team Crafted walked in. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

Of course they walked to our table.

"Stalker much?" Kalel asked.

"No, I prefer the term 'creeper'," countered Adam.

"Anyways, what to you buttsags want?" She asked again.

"You know," Jerome smirked. "Just some coffee,"

"Sure..." I said.

They sat down while we pushed our seats out.

"We'll just be going..." Kalel told them and we walked out of the building.

And of course they walked behind us.

(A/N: every fan fic xD)

"Again, stalker much?" We became really annoyed. So did they.

"What's your problem?" I asked.

Then it happened. Ian punched me. In the eye.

I stumbled back. Kalel caught me, thank god, but before we walked away, Kalel threw punches too. She punched all except Ty and Jason.

We hurried away. I couldn't help myself.

"Solo attendere idioti!" (T: just you wait you idiots!)

Ya, I'm not up to swearing. (A/N: Marzia really doesn't swear, so I try to relate)

Kalel gave me a confused face, and I just shook my head.

"Never mind," I said.

~Mitch's POV~

Me and Jerome were talking last night, about why we do this to people.

"We really have no reason," Jerome said. And he as right.

We both agreed we would eventually apologize. I just hope we don't get kicked off of Team Crafted...

~Felix's POV~

We had just about finished up truth or dare. I texted Marzia (A/N: again, I'm too lazy to look if they gave each other their numbers :P) if she wanted to go to the park.

Felix- regular font, Marzia- italics

Hi Marzia!

Hi Felix :)

Whatcha up to?

Well, I just got beat up by TC :/


Ya, I think I have a black eye...

Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the park. Do you still wanna go?

Sure! I mean, it hurts, but that isn't stopping me, heh

Lol ok! You want to come over to my house and I'll drive us there?

Sure! Does 9 sound fine?

Ya! See you then!

Ok see ya :)

(Texting over)

I can't believe Team Crafted would beat up a poor innocent girl! Well, her and a bunch of my friends too. They're gonna get it. But anyways, I'm excited for Marzia to come over.

"Hey Toby I'm gonna go, but the 'guys night out' was fun," I laughed.

"Okay! See ya later!" He said.

Once I was out of his house I walked on the sidewalk to my house.

I started thinking.

'What are we gonna do there?' I wondered.

I froze. 'Wait a minute... Did I technically ask her on a date?'

(A/N: yes Pewds. Get with reality)

Okay! I know this was kinda short but deal with it bruh. So ya. I don't have much to say, but thanks for all the support! Without you guys, I would have been forever alone... I still am, just I have a few friends on here lol. Anyways, if ye enjoyed this chapter hit dat like button 🌟. And if ye want leave some feedback or random stuff in the comments 💬. So ye. I'm out. Peace!✌️


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