Chapter Six- The Science Project

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~Kalel's POV~

I have to do a science project with Ty. Crap. I told Anthony to not worry. Were dating (A/N: idk if I said it earlier lol) and he doesn't want those jerks to hit on me.

"Who in God's name thinks I'm going to fall for one of them?" I asked Anthony.

"I don't know," he admitted. "But don't let them try anything."

I cracked my knuckles. "They're not gonna do anything," I said smiling.

We laughed. Anthony pecked me on the cheek and went to his car. Well, his mom's car.

After he left I sighed. "Ty or any of them better not try anything," I mumbled.

Ty was waiting outside the school. "Hey," he said shyly.

"Ok cut to the chase let's go to your house," I said annoyed.

He looked surprised for a second but then lead me to his car. He got in the drivers side and I got in the passenger side. I popped in my earbuds and listened to music while leaning against the window.

"You okay?" Ty asked.

"I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ok..." He said unsure. Why does he care? Well ya he doesn't really bully me as much as the others, but he still bullies me and my friends.

~le time skip to TC house~

Once we arrive at their house- yes you heard me. THEIR house- I paused my music and took out my earbuds and got out of his car.

We entered and DANG they had a huge house.

"Let's just get this over with," I mumbled. I really don't want to be here but I have to be and it sucks.

"I think we have extra supplies upstairs," he says. "Follow me," and I follow.

"Where are your friends?" I ask him kinda worried.

"I really don't know, but probably with the other classmates working on their projects," when he says that he sounds honest, but you never know. I keep my guard up.

"Ok..." I say unsure.

"Why are you so scared?" He asks.

"Well to be honest I never know with you guys," I answer.

"Well, I don't mean to bully you guys, but I don't want to be kicked off TC so I do it, but hardly," he adds the last part fast.

"Mmhmm," I say sarcastically.

"Look," he looks at me. "I seriously don't mean to, okay?"

"I don't know but I'll go with it for now," and I turn away.

He sighs. "I'm sorry,"

"For what?"

"Bulling you,"

"Well no dip Sherlock I knew that," I chuckled then continue. "But I accept your apology," I add.

He laughs. "Thanks I guess,"

"Okay where are these supplies?" I really want this over with even if he's being nice.

"Over here," he leads me into a room that looks like a craft room (A/N: kinda sounds like half my closet I'm very crafty 😊).

He digs around and surprisingly finds everything we need (A/N: it's called a fan FICTION. Get used to it lol) !

"Holy crap," I mutter.

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