Chapter Nine- Love?

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~Kalel's POV~

Great. Team Crafted just came home. Me and Marzia have to get out of here.

"What are you b*tches doing here?" Quentin rages.

"We were working on our projects, THANKS," Marzia tells them.

"Get out. NOW," Ian yells.

I grab Marzia's wrist. "No thanks, we'll LEAVE ourselves! Goodbye f*ckers!" I say.

Marzia and I leave the house and start walking to our houses.

"They're jerks," Marzia says.

"They are. Can they not accept the fact that if we don't want to fail school that we have to work with them? Jeez," I wanted to punch one of them so bad, but I don't want to get in more trouble with them than I am in now.

We get to where we have to split up to go to our houses.

"Just text me later, okay?" I tell her.

"Okay. Bye," she says.

"Bye," I say and walk to my house.

'Stupid Team Crafted,' I think as I walk.

'Why do you have to be so freaking dramatic over everything? Godd*m you,' I finally reach my house.

~Ty's POV~

Kalel and Marzia stormed out of the house.

"What the h*ll man?" I yell at them.

(A/N: I know godd*am and h*ll aren't 'bad bad' words, but idk what ages are reading this, so my instinct is to make it PG-13 lol. Lemme know in da comments if ya want me to put in stars or naww)

"What are you talking about? They were the ones in our house!" Yells Mitch yells.


"Just f*ck it," I storm upstairs.

'Why. Really. Just f*cking why?

~Adam's POV~

I feel bad. I want to storm upstairs too, but... I don't know, I just can't. I don't really want to bully them, but everyone else seems to, so I just go with the flow. Which is a bad idea.

~le time skip to morning~

~Felix's POV~


I walked to school with my bag and I thought.

'Why me?' (A/N: oh dem references)

'I never wanted to get bullied, nor did I do anything wrong... Besides being random,'

(A/N: don't worry pewds you're not alone)

Once I reached the school I went inside and walked to my locker. Marzia came up.

"Hey Felix," she greeted.

I smiled. "Hey," I shut my locker.

"So about Swedish and Italian..." We laughed.

"I'm from Italy, so I know Italian, but I learned Swedish in an English class at my old school," she explained. "What about you?"

"I'm from Sweden, and like you, I learned Italian in an English class. Weird," I slightly laughed.

(A/N: wattpad magic. Nobody suspects a thing 😏)

The bell rung.

"I have to go," we both said at the same time. We laughed again.

"Bye," she said.

We walked to our classes.

'I have to admit, she's pretty,' I thought to myself.

'I can't stop thinking about her. She's beautiful, funny, smart, everything,' I smiled.

(A/N: :') Pewds said that)

~At Lunch~

~Marzia's POV~

I sat with my friends at our usual table. We have so much fun everyday and we always laugh.

"Okay, so Ian and I made a music video called 'firetruck'," Anthony explained.

Kalel laughed. "Why firetruck?" She asked.

"Instead of saying f*ck say firetruck. It starts with 'F' and it ends with 'uck'. Firetruck," Ian explained.

"How many views has it gotten so far?" Melanie also asked.

"Eh. 40k," says Anthony.

Their channel called Smosh has over 40k subscribers. Felix has about 30k.

'Since I've been at this school for the past few days, I'm surprised I have friends. If it wasn't for me sitting in Kalel's seat, I probably wouldn't have the friends I have now,' I think to myself as everyone discusses about YouTube.

'But, Felix... I kind of like him. He's nice, funny and we have some things in common. But he probably wouldn't like someone like me. Oh well,'.

Lunch is over and I walk to class with Mari and Joven.

(A/N: idk I'm too lazy to find out if I wrote who Marzia goes to class with after lunch. Deal with it bruh.)

So ya. Sorry about the delay. I had writers block, but I was determined to get this published. I also published another chapter of my other book, so you should check that out and stuff. So ye. Also, I know. I have crappy comebacks and arguments 😂😂 I know. Don't judge. Even though ye are now :p. ANYWAYS... Like the star if ye enjoyed it 🌟. Leave some feedback or random stuff in the comments 💬. I'm done herez. Peace! ✌️.


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