Chapter Seven- Another Boring School Day -_-

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~le time skip to next day at school~

~Kalel's POV~

As I ride the bus to school I start thinking.

'Working with Ty wasn't too bad,' I admit. 'He didn't hurt me. At least the rest of those idiots didn't come.'

The bus stopped and I got off. 'Where was Marzia?' I think.

I wasn't looking where I was going,, and I ran into somebody. Turns out it was Ty. It also turns out I was a couple feet away from school.

"Oh sorry I wasn't looking I-"

"It's fine," he cuts me off.

"So... While I'm here should I come over to your house again so we can finish the project?" I try to change the topic. We didn't finish the project because I had to leave early so it was a great idea... I think.

"Sure, but I should probably go. School starts in 20 minutes," he says.

He's right. "Crap you're right. Well bye," I quickly walk away. I don't want anyone to see me with him especially the rest of Team Crafted.

"Bye." I hear him behind me. I feel bad for letting him think he's 'scary', but that's just my natural reaction to them.

I open the school doors and walk inside. I reach my locker and see Marzia at hers too. Our lockers are close to each other surprisingly. A/N: teehee book magic!!)

"Hey!" I greet.

~Marzia's POV~

As I got ready for school I saw Team Crafted walk towards the bus stop. I freaked out and asked my mom to drive me to school. She agreed and I ran upstairs and finished getting ready.

'I hate to leave Kalel like that but I'll be waiting there and they'll beat me up... Or at least tease me like they did yesterday,' I think.

'...Kalel will be fine,' I assure myself. 'She's strong, I'm not.'

After I get ready my mom drives me to school and I go to my locker and see Kalel walk up.

"Hey!" She greets.

"Hi! Sorry I wasn't there. I saw them go to my bus stop early and I didn't want to get bullied. I feel stupid, but oh well." I admit.

"It's okay. I thought you weren't gonna be here!" She laughs and smiles, but it quickly goes away.

"They're coming," her voices lowers.

"Crap," I whisper. I don't dare to turn around.

"Mario!" Mitch yells.

"Why weren't you at the bus stop?" They come towards us.

"First of all it's Marzia. Second, you don't need to know," I risk saying that, but it's already said.

"Aww! Is little Marzia afraid of us?" Adam coos. His face straightens an she squints.

"You should be,"

"Thanks for getting my name right," I counter.

Them the bell rings. The glare at us and walk away finally.

"You're finally getting used to standing up to them," Kalel smiles. We grab our things and walk to our class.

"Ya I guess," I say sheepishly.

We arrive at language arts.

"Well let's get this over with," she sighs and opens up the classroom door.

We sit down in the back, but of course all of Team Crafted has this class too, and they decide to sit around us.

They keep glaring at us and it creeps me out. I try not to pay attention but Jerome keeps tapping on my desk. I finally break.

"What?" I whisper.

He smirks. I give him a confused look. He looks at Jason.

"Come on man!" Jerome begs. Jason rolls his eyes and hands him a dollar.

'Wow.' I think. I roll my eyes as well.

"Yaaa buddy!" He whisper shouts.


Mrs. Marrow walks in. "Good morning class!" She says very cheerily.

"Today, we will be doing an assignment,". Most of the class groans.

"Now, some of you may think it's fun!" She encourages.

"Is it Opposite Day?" TCIan whispers and the people around him silently laugh. Except me and Kalel, of course.

Mrs. Marrow continues. "Anyways, we will be decoding different languages. I will pair you up in groups off 3, and I will hand you 5 pages of decoding to do. We will decode in Swedish,"

More groans come. Pfft. This is gonna be easy!

"Okay, so how about..." She goes on and on with other people but then she gets to me.

"Marzia, Ty and Jason... Kalel Ian and Mitch..." And then yada yada yada.

"You're lucky. They're not as bad as the others," Kalel whispers.

"You've got this," I try to sound confident so she won't be worried.

"Oh I'm not scared of them. I'm worried about you, but you've got people who aren't that bad. But anyways, good luck!" She smiles.

"You too!"

Mrs. Marrow calls out the last group.

"Okay, get to work!" Mrs. Marrow exclaims.

Everyone splits up and me Ty and Jason put our desks together.

"This is probably going to be easy for you, huh?" Jason asks. I nod.

It's quiet in our group until the teacher comes and gives us the packet. We put all of our names on it.

"Well, let's see here," Jason says and looks at the first question. He gives a confused face. 'Of course,'

"Valkomen... Hur mar du?" He questions and I laugh.

"No it's 'Välkommen! Hur mår du?"

"Oh..." They both say.

"What does it mean?" Ty asks.

"Well, I don't know how everyone else is supposed to do this without a-"

"Oops I almost forgot!" Mrs. Marrow interrupts me. "Here! Swedish to English dictionaries!"

Some kid raises their hand. "Mrs. Marrow we're not Swedish... Except for Marzia," he adds.

"That's what makes it tricker!" And once again everyone groans. All except our group.

"Okay, so anyways, 'Välkommen! Hur år du?' Is 'Welcome! How are you?' Now try the next one on your own. I'm not a translation dictionary!"

"Okay..." They say and read the next one.

This is easy!

Okay, yes I know! Short chapter! I wrote this last night at 1 in the morning, and I was friggin tired lol. So ya. Again I don't have much to say so if you enjoyed this chapter hit dat star 🌟. Leave feedback or random stuff I'm the comments! Don't make it too inappropriate peeps!! 💬 so I'll see y'all later!! Peace! ✌️


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