Chapter Three- School

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{Marzia's POV}

After a few more stops, the bus finally arrives at Bludal.

"Follow me. I'll show you your classes. We have time before they start." Kalel told me. I agreed and followed her around the school. I showed her a sticky note that I wrote down all of my classes on and she helped me find each one. I wrote the room numbers down next to each class incase I forgot where they were, which I probably will.

The bell rang and we just made it to my locker.

"You're supposed to bring around your book bag so just put your lunch in your locker." Kalel said. I put my lunch in my locker, shut it and followed Kalel to class.

Us both have the same classes except for math, chemistry and science.

We arrive at the language arts class and Kalel and I sit in the back. Then Team Crafted comes in (Kalel told me that they call themselves that) and sits around us. "Just great." I think as the class starts.

"Good morning everyone," the teacher says. Kalel leans over and whispers,

"Her name is Mrs. Marrow by the way." I nod back.

"We have a new student and her name is Marzia. Marzia, where are you from?" Mrs. Marrow asks.

"Italy." I respond.

"Italy? Wow, how's it like?" She asks again.

I don't know how to respond, so I say, "Well, I guess it's home..."

"Well okay! Italy is very fascinating! So how about we get started, huh?" And Mrs. Marrow goes on with the lesson.

I whisper to Kalel, "Does she always act really cheesy?"

She quietly laughed and whispered "Yes."

Throughout the class, I heard Team Crafted whispering to each other, but once again, I couldn't hear them.

After the class is over me and Kalel talk.

"What's your next class?" Kalel asks.

"Science." I reply sadly.

"Well, on the bright side, we get to see each other after," she said trying to cheer me up.

"Hey, we have to get to class. Bye and good luck!" She said.

"Thanks." I say and we both headed to our next class.

Once I got to science, I was a few minutes early and I had to find a pencil, so I dug in my book bag to find one.

As I was looking, Adam, Mitch and Jerome walked into class.

"Crap," I thought "Just keep searching."

"Hey," Jerome said. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, this is my next class." I responded.

"Oh look, Kalel isn't with you," Mitch smirked. "What are you going to do?"

I had found my pencil so I put my book bag back on the chair. I looked down playing with it, hoping that was my response to him, but just in case I said "I don't know."

"Well," Adam started "You're in luck because we're getting paired up for an assignment." He smirked, also.

"Just great..." I thought. "What if I get paired with them?"

The teacher walks in. Kalel told me his name too, which is Mr. Thomas. He doesn't introduce me, thank god. Most students from the last class are in here, so there's no real reason to do so.

~le time skip to partnering~

"Okay, how about, Marzia..." He looks at his cards with our names on them, "And Felix."

I'm relived that I don't have to work with Adam, Mitch or Jerome, but I'm also panicked because I don't who this Felix is.

The three start whispering. Is Felix some really bad kid, or some kind of nerd? Now I'm really panicking.

After class is over, a boy comes over to me. "Um hi," he says. I notice he has an accent kind of like I do. "I'm Felix. You're Marzia, right?"

Hey guys! So what do you think of all the chapters so far? I will change POV in the next chapter (incase you didn't know, POV means point of view). So, if you enjoyed this chapter or any of the chapters, press that 🌟. Also, feel free to leave comments about how you think the book is going. Everyone had their own opinion. So anyways, the next chappy is coming soon! Peace!! ✌️


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