Chapter Two- Bus Ride

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{Marzia's POV}

After a few stops, a girl with teal hair went to sit down where I was, but noticed I was in her seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know this was your seat. Sorry." I said gathering up my things.

"No, it's fine stay," she insisted.

I looked at her. "Really? Are you sure?"

She laughed. "Ya it's fine. My name's Kalel. I'm guessing you're new?"

"Ya. I'm Marzia."

"That's a pretty name." She said smiling.

"Thanks." I thanked smiling too.

"Where are you from?"


"That explains the accent." She said pointing to me. We both laughed. I think Kalel and I could be very good friends.

Suddenly, those 7 boys started talking to us.

"So I see you're talking to the new girl from Italy, huh Kalel?" The same one who screamed at me earlier.

"Mitch, stop." she replied.

"Well, aren't you mad she was sitting I your seat?" he tried again. What is his problem?

"Heck no!" she fought back. "Mitch leave us ALONE." She finally said and turned back around.

"That's Mitch, if you haven't realized. And the other ones are his friends too. Their names are Adam, Ty, Quentin, Jerome, Jason, Ian and then Mitch. They bully a lot of people including me." She explained, and looked down at her shoes at the last part.

"They are at my bus stop. They started bullying me before the bus came." I said

"They do it to some people. I don't mean to burst your bubble, but unless your some kind of wizard to stop them bullying, then you're stuck." She whispered.

"Just great." I said.

Sorry it's such a short chapter. I didn't know what to write, but the next chapter is going to be longer. It's weird. You write a lot, but once you read it, it's really short :P. Well anyways, press that 🌟 if you enjoyed the chapter, and feel free to leave a comment about how you think the book is so far. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion ;). So anyways guys, peace!! ✌️


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