Chapter Eight- Team Crafted Comes Home

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~Marzia's POV~

While we were still working on the packet Ty starts talking.

"Kalel and I still have to finish that project. She had to go home early,"

"Oh. Is she gonna come to the house again tonight?"

Wait a minute.

"Jason what do you mean 'again'? How did you know she was there?"

"Well when I came to the house I saw Ty cleaning up paper and glue and stuff and I asked him what he was doing. He said Kalel came over to do the science project with him," he explained.


"Anyways, ya, she is coming. It's a good idea though, since we want it done so we don't have to do it later,"

"But we're supposed to get this packet done too," Jason sighs. "It's hard when you have a Swedish to English dictionary,"

"Marzia," Ty says and I look up at him. "Why don't you come over with Kalel to our house? Me and Kalel can do our science project and you and Jason can do the rest if the packet," He suggests.

Jason looks at Ty with a confused face. "Dude. Then you wouldn't do the packet!"

"Yes, but I'm still doing other school things that are important," he counters.

Jason sighs again. "Fine. Marzia do you want to come?"

"Um, sure," I say.

"Ok great," Jason says. "We can get this stupid homework outta the way," he laughs.

"Okay so, next one," Ty says continuing. "Jag ater en smoregas?" He questions.

"Nej," (T: no) I say in Swedish. "Jag äter en smörgås," I correct.

They look in the dictionaries.

"Ok, well from previous sentences, I know that 'jag' means 'I' or 'I'm'..." Jason says.

"Yes... What else?" I'm trying to encourage them so they won't bug me, okay??

"Smörgås means sandwich," Ty says.

"So I'm guessing it's 'I'm eating a sandwich'?" He asks.

"Yup," I laugh.

Then the bell rings.

"Just come with Kalel and I'll take you both to our house," Ty says.

"Okay," I respond. "But I better go. Bye," I quickly say and walk away with Kalel.

"You're going over to TC's house, right?" I ask her.

"Ya, why?" She questions.

"Well I'm going over too. Me and Jason are gonna work on that packet with Jason,"

"You are?" She asks surprised.


"Okay... But could you also help me? TCIan and Mitch didn't help at all..."

"Sure! When we're done do you want the answers?"

"You don't have to,"

"No it's fine," I insist.

"Okay then... Anyways, we have to get to class. Bye!"


And we split up.

~Felix's POV~

After a bunch of boring classes I finally have language arts. TC isn't in my class thank god, but they are in Marzia and Kalel's class. Joven, Mari and Matt S are in it.

Mrs. Marrow has us all do a packet on decoding Swedish.

We had an odd number so luckily me Matt S, Mari and Joven were all in a group (A/N: Wattpad magic!!)

"Okay, we know nothing about talking Swedish, so we're lucky you're in our group," Mari laughs.

"Okay the first one," Joven starts.

"Valkomen! Hur mar du?" Joven says enthusiastically. I laugh.

"No, it's 'Välkommen! Hur mår du?"

"What's it mean?" Asks Matt S.

"Well I'll help you with a couple of them. You guys have to use the dictionaries," I say. "Anyways, it's means 'Welcome! How are you?',"

"Oh," the three say.

"Remember some core words like 'du' means you, and 'jag' means I. There are more but I'll tell you them later. I'm too lazy," I laugh again.

~le time skip because no one likes school and classes so screw them here's a time skip to after school AGAIN because I can waddup?~

(Again, about that same reference... Who gets it? XD)

~Marzia's POV~

I follow Kalel outside of the school and we wait for Ty and Jason. While we wait I text my mom and say I'm going to be at a friends house... Wait, friend?

Before I can question myself, both show up.

"Let's go," Kalel walks toward the car. She really doesn't like them.

"Okay," I say quietly to myself and walk towards the car.

Once we all get in Ty starts the car and we drive off to their house.

~another le time skip because car ride are boring~

We get there, and their house is HUGE. I get out and walk in.

"Okay, we'll be upstairs, you and Jason work on the packet," Ty says. With that he And Kalel head upstairs leaving me and Jason.

"The rest aren't coming over, are they?" I ask.

"I don't think so..." He replies unsurely.

'Crap...' I think.

"Okay... Let's get this done," I say and pull the packet out of my book bag.

"Ett ögonblick means..." I wait for him to answer as he flips through the pages of the dictionary. Mrs. Marrow met us take them home since everyone except for me and Felix pretty much don't know any Swedish.

"One moment please," Jason responds.

"Okay, take your time," I say.

He laughs. "No, that's what that means in Swedish,"

Then I laugh. "Oh ya... Good. So now we only have 12 more problems to go," I say. We continue decoding. I'm just happy that he's not making me do all the work.

~Kalel's POV~

Me and Ty walk upstairs and continue where we left off yesterday.

~okay I'm out of ideas so another friggin le time skip to when after everyone is done with their projects~

I walk downstairs and see Marzia and Jason talking.

"Well," I say causing them to look. "I'm gonna g-," I was interrupted with the rest of Team Crafted coming in.

'Oh no...' I thought.

ERMAGERD I'm sorry I kept doing time skips!! There wasn't anything to describe really... Ya... Anyways, exciting news, I'm comin out with a new book!! 😃 it will be coming out shortly, since I have the first chapter ready. But I need to add a tiny bit more detail and stuff so look out for that soon!! I'm bored so you know the drill! If you enjoyed that chapter hit dat star 🌟 Leave some feedback or random stuff if you're bored that's not TOO inappropriate lol. So ima go nows... Peace!! ✌️


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