Chapter 18- Title Ideas Plz Come To Meh

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I can't write long chapters to save my life •~•

~Marzia's POV~

Felix and I prepared a date by a lake nearby. I have to leave in 2 hours, so I thought to myself, what should I do to kill time? But not literally (A/N: so hilarious).

I just watched some of Felix's videos, which some included me.

I clicked on one of his videos titled, 'My Girlfriend'

"H-how's it goin' bros? My name is peeeeeeewdiepie!" He introduced.

In the video he basically explained how he had met me. Then he started talking about how much he liked me, and how he thought I was pretty.

I have to admit, I blushed. He really thinks this way about me?

~le time skip~

I checked the time, and noticed it was about time for me to leave, so I made sure I had everything I needed, like my phone, wallet, etc.

I walked out the door, locking it, and headed towards the lake.

On my way there, I saw somebody I was a little happy to see.


He noticed me, and said hi. I quietly said hi back and continued walking.

"Wait," he stopped me. I turned around.


"Look... I needed to say this now... I'm sorry for what I've done to you and your friends. Ty, Jerome and Mitch didn't mean it either,"

I smiled. "It's fine. I forgive you all. Even Adam, Quentin and Ian. Somebody needed to say it,"

Jason smiled as well. "Hey, I was just going to Starbucks. Did you want to come?"

"It's nice of you to offer, but I have to go somewhere,"

"Okay. See ya!"

"Bye!" We split up in the opposite directions.

~le time skip~

By the time I got there, Felix was sitting on a huge rock waiting for me.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hi," I sat down next to him.

"So, how's your evening going?" He asked.

"Pretty good,"

We talked for half an hour before the sun started to set.

"The sun is pretty," I said.

"Yeah," Felix agreed while staring into it. Then he looked at me and started to lean in. I leaned in too, and our lips met.

I smiled during the kiss.


If anyone ever reads these author notes, here we go;

First, I'm sorry for being away for a while. I had writers block, and needed a little vacation :3

Second, Once again, I hate knowing that a bunch of people are waiting for the next chapter, but it's so hard to write long chapters and make them good at the same time. I hope you understand this :)

Third, I'm so busy with dance, school, and drawing. Heck, I'm making an animation, and my goal is to have it done by Christmas :| Please understand this too.

I have been on Wattpad, reading, but not really writing anything :/ So I was still active, just not in the writing category lol The media goes along with this xD

Anyways, remember to leave a vote, and a comment! A follow is much appreciated :3 I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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