Chapter Four- Meeting Felix

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~Felix's POV~

At science, Mr. Thomas was assigning us to partners. I hoped I didn't get any of those jerks from Team Crafted. I got bullied from them, but it wasn't everyday, it was more like once every three weeks. So I didn't have it bad, but I saw a new girl get picked on by them. I don't get them. She JUST came here, did NOTHING to them, and they just straight up bully for no apparent reason! It makes me so mad, but I don't want to fight them unless I have to. And that might be soon, if they keep bothering this girl.

I want to help everyone who gets bullied, but that's gonna be hard, since they bully so many people.

After most people get paired up, Mr. Thomas calls "Marzia..." I'm guessing she's the new girl since I've never heard that name. Please let her get paired with someone nice. The suspense is maddening (A/N: I forget where's that's from, but it's a reference and I use it all the time XD) as he shuffles through his cards.

"... And Felix." He finally says. 'Yes!' I think to myself. 'She won't be tortured by those jerks!'

Adam, Jerome and Mitch start whispering. 'Oh no,' I think. 'I don't want Marzia to get the wrong impression.' But I can't really stop it unless I want to anger them, so I stay quiet.

After class is over, I go up to Marzia.

"Um, hi," I say really awkwardly. "I'm Felix. You're Marzia, right?"

She studies me, probably because I have an accent. I'm from Sweden, but I learned English before my family moved to England. I still know Swedish and I will use it when I need to.

"Hi," she finally spoke. I notice she has an accent too, but it's not the same as mine. I wonder where she's from?

"Yes, I'm Marzia. I'm new so..."

"Well, welcome!" We walk and talk.

"I noticed you have an accent. Where are you from?" I ask.

"Italy. You?"


She chuckles and says, "It's funny how we're both from different countries."

"Ya," I said. "So, what class do you have next?"

She looked at a sticky note she carried with her and replied, "Social Studies."

Crap. I have chemistry. "Well I have chemistry," I start. "But anyways, in science, um, the project is for the science fair, and we have to work after school if we want to get it finished and looking good. So... Do you want me to come to your house or you come to my house?" I asked.

"Um... How about I go to your house? My room is too girly anyways." She says looking down.

'She is really shy.' I think.

"I don't care if your room is girly, but it's fine you can come over... When were you planning?"

"Um, after school is fine."

"Okay, great!"

Suddenly the bell rang and we had to part and go to our classes.

"See you later." I said.

"You too, bye!" She said, and we walked to our classes.

'She isn't bad,' I thought as I walked to chemistry. 'She's really nice,' I said and smiled.

~Marzia's POV~

"See you later." Felix said.

"You too, bye!" I cheerily said.

'I don't know what I was thinking about him being bad; he's the complete opposite!' I thought to myself. 'He's SUCH a gentleman, he offered me to come to his house! He's so nice, probably one of a couple of nice guys here.

Anyways, I met up with Kalel after class.

"Hey!" We both greeted each other.

"So, how was class? Good or bad?" She asked.

"Pretty good. They teased my at the beginning of class, but after that it was fine," I recalled. "Do you know Felix?" I asked her.

"Ya, he's my friend, why?"

"Oh. We got paired for a science project and we were talking and he's so nice!"

"Yup, that sounds like him," she laughed.

"At lunch I need to introduce you to my other friends. They'll like you..." After she said that she realized what she said. "IN A FRIEND WAY!... In a friend way!" We both laughed.

"I knew that!" I playfully slapped her arm lightly. "You worry too much."

"I know," she admitted.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for S.S.

(A/N: social studies, if you didn't know) !" She said.

We hurried off to class. I couldn't wait until lunch!

So, that concludes the chapter! Idk if it's longer or shorter, because writing a chapter seems like 1,000 years! :/ lolz I'm exaggerating, but still lol. Anyways, I need feedback! I'm gaining views on the book, which is awesome! 😃 But, if any of you are reading this, I want feedback! How is the book so far in your opinion? Should the chapters be longer? Those I would want answered the most plz ;) Ima end it herez, sooooo, if you enjoyed the chapter hit that 🌟 button! Leave a comment about meh questions or anything you want idc lol (as long as it's not really bad then I don't want it XD) So, peace y'all!! ✌️


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