Author's Note

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Hi guys! I know a lot of people enjoy this book, and give me so much support, and I thank you all for this, I couldn't have done it without you :')

As much as I also enjoy writing this book, it will be nearing its end sadly ;_;

I will make a sequel after this ends, so don't panic :)

I might go up to chapter 20, or a little past that.

You might be thinking, "Only 20 or so chapters? I've read a book with like 40 chapters!!"

I know what you mean, but when I'm creating new chapters, has 25 parts (this is the 25th part)

It might take me awhile to make the sequel, just warning you. I'm not 100% sure on where I'm going to end this, but I have an idea.

Idk, I might have a book cover contest for the sequel :D

Anyways, once again, thank you all SO much for all the support! We're over 2k reads, and that is a huge milestone :)

Next chapter will come out soon, because of school it's delayed :/

See you guys later!


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