Chapter Five- Lunch~ Finally Standing Up... And Speaking Different Languages...

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(A/N; Sorry I had to do an emojis XD)

~Marzia's POV~

*le time skip to lunch*

After all those boring classes Kalel and I headed to the cafeteria.

Some of Team Crafted was in all of our classes. They were a pain. I don't see what I did wrong or what I did to them. It's weird. I guess they just pick on whoever they can.

Anyways, after we grabbed our lunch we sat down at table with eight people already there.

"Guys this is Marzia. Marzia, these are my friends." She introduced us.

"Hi." I said shyly and they said "Hi." They all said back.

We sat down.

"Okay, well you already know Felix and I, so, this is Toby," she motioned to a guy with short, shaggy brown hair and brown eyes.

"Why heeelllOO there! My name is Toby, Toby Turner, thanks." He said very enthusiastically.

I laughed. "Hi Toby,"

She continued. "This is Ian and Anthony,"

Both had dark brown hair, but Anthony had brown eyes and Ian had blue.

Ian's hair was in the shape of a bowl (A/N: Bowl haircut XD) and he had a beard. Very surprising for a guy in high school (A/N: Again, this is a fan fic before Pewds and Marzia started dating, but the characters in this book have the same characteristics as they have now, or as of the summer of 2014. Idk if they will change in da future or naww lol) .

Anthony's hair was just swept off to the side. I have to admit... It was a little emo. (A/N: sorry XD that's what a lot of people say so ima go with it)

"Hi!" They both cheerily said.

"This is Melanie,"

Melanie had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"And this is Mari, Joven, Matt and David," (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT A/N!!! Okay, so Matt is Sohinki, David is Lasercorn and Joven is Jovenshire. I know you will probably be a little lost with Matt and David, so I will do dis. David L and Matt S Is that better? At least it will kinda remind you of them lol. Okay I'm done XD continuing...)

Mari looked Japanese or Asian. She has brown hair with highlights (A/N: I'm sorry if she doesn't have highlights it looks like it in a photo lol) and brown eyes.

Joven had glasses and black hair.

David L and Matt S have different hair styles (and obviously look different). Matt S's hair was brown and David L's hair was a orange. Strange.

(ANOTHER IMPORTANT A/N!! Idk if y'all knew, (I'm not southern btws) but Kalel no longer has teal hair, she has brown hair. I found this on Anthony's Instagram #stalker. I just wanted to let you all know that so you didn't imagine her with teal hair for dis book)

We talked a lot. Felix, Toby and Ian and Anthony have YouTube channels. Toby's is "Tobuscus" , Ian and Anthony have one called "Smosh" and Felix's is PewDiePie.

"Those are unique," I said impressed.

"No one will ever come up with those."

"Nope!" Said Felix.

After us talking for a while Team Crafted decided to come up to us. (A/N: will contain swear words but I WILL bleep the vowel (s) out) Fantabulous! (A/N: that's meh quote! Lol)

"Um, Team Crafted is coming guys." Mari said.

"Crap," most of us said.

"What do we do?" I asked.

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